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"You ain't shit without me you  bitch"

Jermaine  spat at Kelly before delivering another blow to her  face he had already broken one of her ribs, tore patches of her hair right out of her scalp, shut both of her eyes .

This beating was different, it has been going on for 2 whole days, Kelly had no idea what or who was keeping her alive but whatever it was needed to let her die because this pain was just too much for her body to process. The funny thing was Kelly stopped feeling most of the blows Jermaine was throwing her way ,her body had gone numb.

Kelly was used to the beatings she got from  Jermaine their, relationship did not start like this thou when she met him she was a 20 year old waitress at one of the clubs he frequented , Jermaine would give her large tips and tried to talk to Kelly for the longest time after their first date Kelly could not believe she had gotten herself a rapper some girls would spend their whole life trying to get what she had. Kelly and Jermaine soon became the it couple front row seats at Paris fashion week , private planes , five star hotels , interviews , VIP parties you name it Kelly had it but she soon found out that what glitters is not always gold.


''Jermaine what the fuck is this thou'' Kelly held up the bag of coke she found while cleaning out Jermaine's she was furious that he was on that stuff her father had died from

''maan you need to stop all that shouting in my damn house who you think you talking to''

''Am talking to you ...LOOK AT ME WHEN AM TALKING TO YOU '' Kelly shouted at Jermaine she felt disrespected because here she was shouting and all upset while he texting like she was not even there. Jermaine just ignored her

''Matter of fact am going to flush this shit ''  that got Jermaine's attention real quick and before Kelly could even make it out the room Jermaine had her by her throat in a grip so tight Kelly  was clawing at his hand trying to get precious oxygen in her lungs. Jermaine had bloodshot eyes , they were red with rage the more Kelly tried to get air in her lungs the more Jermaine squeezed, he was shouting real loud at  Kelly.

"YOU WANNA THROW MY SHIT ..YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS SHIT COSTS. Kelly,  had never in her life seen someone so mad at her Jermaine was so mad his jaw was twitching and the veins on his neck were visible


Jermaine let Kelly go and she landed on the hardwood floor, with her face , she spend the next few minutes on the floor just gasping for air trying to fill up her empty lungs .Jermaine came home at 3am drunk and apologized saying he will go to rehab and stop doing the drugs .

Kelly knew she should have packed her bags that night and left but her heart convinced her not to was a mistake , Jermaine did this because he loved her , at least he apologized , I will make it work ..Kelly told herself

End of flashback

The beatings became frequent and the apologies stopped.

Kelly got used to the beatings thou , Jermaine would tell her he's beating her because she says stupid shit so Kelly stopped talking all together but that would not help because he felt by keeping quiet she was disrespecting him, she got it the worst when he was stressed he would beat her for hours till she was unresponsive then nurse her back to health just to beat her to a pulp again.

 This week was not Jermaine's .week , his latest single was rejected by his record lable, they said it was too rude and no radio station would play it .Jermaine's rap career was going down the drain faster than water he needed to come up with a new plan fast , no artist wanted to work with him they said he was too volatile and threw too many tantrums  , no of his records were  selling so no money was being made, his lable was threatening to let him go ,  he owed everyone money, including his dealer, just  yesterday he had to pawn all his chains just to pay for the cars, the house was empty because earlier that week someone broke in and took everything, he did not have the money but he wanted to keep the lifestyle.

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