Stay Ready

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Three weeks after the accident with Jermaine in the salon, Kelly became a completely different person, but not in a bad way. She just became a better version of herself. She was no longer paranoid, timid, and scared all the time.She got rid of all that pent up energy out on the person that caused all the pain that she endured.

The video that Quincy took went viral in just an hour and every magazine , radio station , talk show was calling to hear her side of the story, heck even Oprah wanted an interview with her but Kelly did not lay Jermaine out to get attention from outsiders,she did it because she needed to do it in order to get to the space she was in at that moment .

Jermaine's fans started to throw salt at Kelly claiming she beat him up because she wanted a reality show, saying things like she was washed up and wanted to take Jermaine's money and that she ain't shit there was even a hate page made  on Facebook about her. Kelly was amazed at how much time people had. Most people were supportive of Kelly though. People she didn't even know would walk up to her and either tell her she's doing the right thing. Some would give her advice or a hug,those were the people Kelly paid attention to not the haters.Beat that nigga was trending on twitter, and Kelly would just laugh at most of  the tweets she got. Some of tweets were ridiculous, like "If your boyfriend has a small dick then #beatthatnigga# "

Nicki forced Kelly to make a twitter account, she claimed that since people were so hyped about her they would follow her and it would be good for her business and it was an hour after her twitter account was activated that she had more than forty thousand followers. She only followed a hundred people so far but on a random day she would select random followers and follow back. At first she didn't know what to tweet, so she just stuck to motivational tweets or scriptures. She would also tweet some of her nail art pics for fun.

Jermaine's bitch ass went and pressed charges against Kelly stating she assaulted him, Kelly was arrested while she was at work and spent 2 nights in jail. She didn't mind going to prison,she would rather be at the state prison than to be in the emotional prison that Jermaine had created for her.Kelly did not have to share a cell since they only placed her in a holding one. When Patrick found out that  Jermaine pressed charges on his cousin he was livid, he was ready to kill him but Kelly did not want him to have Jermaine's blood on his hands .

Patrick came to see her with Nicki and Quincy .Nicki was acting like she got a death penalty talking about "girl I will not let them pull the plug on you"  Kelly and Patrick just laughed at Nicki and her dramatic self

Nicki got a few of her friends to protest outside the courtroom for Kelly. Everyone just basically wrote whatever they wanted on their signs. One sign even had "free my babydaddy "written on it. It was a rachet march, but Kelly appreciated Nicki's efforts. During that march a twerk battle broke out the people around more like the guys around started taking videos,  the police came out and dispersed the crowd.

The judge threw Jermaine's case out basically saying he was wasting the courts time with all his allegations, the judge then fined Jermaine thirty grand. He was furious and held a press conference about how the justice system is failing all the victims, this was a hit on YouTube and spoofs of Jermaine bitching were made .

Kelly was now focusing on doing her , she worked out, ate well, and went out more. Kelly chose to laugh more and appreciate life, she would meditate and was also working on strengthening her relationship with God.

Saturday morning Kelly woke up at 11. She had slept in late because the night before she had gone out clubbing with Nicki and Quincy. Kelly had a good time she danced until her feet could not move anymore. She didn't drink that night, she just wanted to have good innocent fun. A lot of guys asked Kelly to dance and even bought her drinks, but every time she would just go for a virgin cocktail. However Quincy got stupid wasted! He passed out in the club leaving  Nicki and Kelly to take him to the car  and drive his drunken ass home.

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