Your Lane

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why is everything with you so complicated , why do you make it hard to love you oh i hate it


'So you still messing with this nigger even thou you KNOW he got another girl ' Nicki lectured 'who I fuck really is not your business ' Kelly responded 'babe shes right ' Patrick added 'damn you was eating that pussy like your last meal bra ' Chris added 'Christopher James Richards ' Tami admonished ' damn ma the government name thou ' ' Boy say something else you ain't too old to get this belt ' Tami threatens .

This conversation has been going for close to an hour , Chris is laughing , Nicki is lecturing , Patrick trying to calm Nicki , Tami is trying to beat on Chris Kelly and Zaid are just sitting there since its their intervention.

'But I care for...' 'NO what you need to do is stay out of my business Nicki , do you think i would be dealing with this BS if you did not run your mouth to Zaid about my pregnancy , huh , you think i don't want a normal family, where i have a stable partner and shit like that , do you know how unstable my shit is right now , i need you to mind your business Nicki stop trying to mother me damn .

By the end of her speech , Kelly was breathing heavy , Zaid rubbed her lower back trying to calm her down , they all sat in silence ,Nicki looked like she was ready to burst out crying.

 'you being mad light skinned right now Nicki' Kelly said

Nicki smiled because it was true , since she got with Patrick she was always in her emotions trying to be the woman she thought he needed , it made her mad that she was loosing her friends because of this new person she was becoming.

 Nicki  thought she was helping Kelly , when she asked Zaid to meet her for lunch she ended up telling him the look he had on his face was so scary that when Kelly did call her the next day to cuss her out Nicki seriously thought he had killed her so Nicki called up everyone so they can go look if Kelly was alive . She would be damned if her friend ended up on the 11 o'clock news.

They burst in only to find Zaid hard at work eating Kelly up like a hungry man at a eating competition, Kelly looked so hurt , hurt because she could not get the nut she was so close to getting , embarrassment was evident as well.

'I'm so sorry , i just got worried when you did not call ' Nicki reached out for Kelly's hand across the table

''Well am fine '' she mumbled while tugging on her already loose robe

'in that case we will go ' Patrick said in his non argument voice , Nicki tried to say something but Patrick gave her a look that said there is no need for more words. He got up, kissed Kelly on her cheek and whispered 'take care ' he also shook Zaid's hand  on his way out , Nicki hugged her , Chris too but Tami just simply nodded her way .Kelly decided to walk them all out so she can make sure the door is locked , she did not want a repeat of what happened , as soon as her door closed and she was sure they were all gone , she let out a deep breath and leaned on the door for support she almost slid down the door in relief .

''You want me to finish what i started ' his husky voice brought her back to the reality of the situation .

''No Zaid i want you to go home to your girlfriend''

''Iam home with my girlfriend '' he stated confidently

Zaid began to move closer to her effectively trapping her between the door and his body he gave new meaning to the phrase stuck between a rock and a hard place .

Zaid began to loosen her robe to reveal her shoulder just enough for him to be able to place kisses from her shoulder all the way up to her neck , this man was not only the poison that ran deep in Kelly's veins but he was the antidote at the same damn time , it was not fair how her body would bow at his every command , like a dog in heat every time he so much as touch her she would open up it just was not fair.

''Zaid stop '' she half-ed begged

''Why''  he mumbled his tongue still doing a sinful dance around her neck

''Do you think it will just go back like before ''

''Frankly yes''

That was like pouring cold water on her libido , she got a wave of strength and pushed him off , she started straightening her robe , tying it up with unnecessary force that made her winch .

''I will not be the side chick i refuse''

''Who said anything about you being a side chick ,you are the mother of my child '

'BABYMAMA' she screeched 'thats even worse .

'' why you tripping , those extra hormones must be fucking with your head ''

''Please leave Zaid ''she tugged on her robe using it as a protective shield against the man who was staring at her , he simply nodded went and got his car keys and phone from the kitchen ''

'' I will be back here at 12 tomorrow i will take you to the doctor i want to check up on OUR child you better act right tomorrow, i don't have time for these game that you are playing right now .

''Fuck you Zaid ''

''Us  fucking is the reason we having this problem now baby girl ''

Kelly wanted to throw something at his head but she bit her inner cheek and opened the door for him without a word , he stopped on his way out, looked at her for a second then planted an aggressive kiss on her lips .

'' See you tommorow''

This time when she closed the door she did slide down it in relief...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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