Chapter 4 - Akumatized

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Nino stared at the wall in annoyance and hit his head against the one he was leaning on. Seriously? You just had to loose your cool. And I'm front of Alya of all people? Seriously dude?! He put his head in his hand, a few tears trying to break free. He glared at the wall. How much more of this can I take?!

Alya was on the floor in an empty classroom sobbing to herself. S-stop cry-y-ying! Ugh! But just the thought of Nino yelling at her made her cry again. She had never seen him that angry. Heck! She doubted he had ever been that angry. How could she have done that?

"Shh I'm gonna open the door!" She rolled her eyes, remembering the time she had caught the girl having a conversation with her handbag. Better not to ask. "C-can I come in?"

"Do you really need my permission?" She entered and squashed her in a hug. Alya couldn't breathe but she smiled all the same, forgetting her lack oxygen got a few seconds.

"You okay?" She shook her head.

"It's my fault Mari. I shouldn't have said anything. What do I do?"

"What happened out there? Is there anything you want to tell me?" Nino was already mad at her. It was safer not to.

"Um... nothing." Marinette nodded understanding and kept quiet.

"I think you two should just sort it out. It's probably a misunderstanding." Yeah. Eavesdropping on a private conversation is definitely a misunderstanding. Nice going Alya! She nodded instead, pushing her doubt down.

"Okay. Let's go. Hopefully we can work this out." Nino walked out of the boy's restroom with Adrien patting his back. Once their eyes met they both turned around immediately. Alya claimed to have things to do for the school blog. Nino said he had just thought of an awesome remix for the newest Bruno Mars song. Adrien and Marinette walked over to each other.

"Are these two ever going to stop?!" She giggled at his frustration.

"I d-don't know f-for sure but I hop-pe so." He smiled.

"At least you're being normal. I just wish everyone were more like you Mari." She went bright red from the smile and her nickname.

"H-how so?"

"I don't know. You just seem like... you're just you. I wish everyone was themselves instead of being someone they're not!" He ran a hand through his hair once again. It had been getting messier ever since Nino being so weird.

You know... He kind of looks like- get it together Mari! Adrien the absolute perfect guy and Chat Noir the silly flirt have absolutely nothing in common! Except that they are kinda hot...

Alya and Nino stayed away from each other doing the things they loved doing the most. Things that calmed them. She fumbled with her Ladyblog while he listened to some music from his iPod, blowing a bubble as he did so. All of a sudden not one but two akumas flew out from Hawkmoth's secret lair and entered their respective objects. Her phone and his bubble wand. A butterfly shaped light mask appeared around their eyes. They tried their best to fight it but Hawkmoth simply tortured them until they let him have his fun.

"The Bubbler, your friend has found out one of your deepest darkest secrets and you can't be too happy about that. I will give you revenge of you bring the miraculouses to me."

"Lady Wifi, it seems your friend hates you even though all you were trying to do was help. All I need is Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses then you can do with them as him please." He spoke to them both after this.

"Can you do that?"

"Yes Hawkmoth."

"Mari? Mari!" In her dazed state She forgot where She was. Adrien brought her back to reality. She jumped and crashed into someone.

"S-s-sorry." But it didn't feel very human. It felt kind of stretchy and she fell to the floor as it floated upwards. Her eyes widened as she spun around. Mylene was pounding hard on the bubble trying to get out. She looked around to see more of her schoolmates floating. Her eyes widened.

"Hello Paris. Missed me?"

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