The ACTUAL End (Maybe ;)

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Alya and Nino woke up. They were in hospital beds apparently. They grinned at each other and looked around.

"EVERYONE! THEY'RE AWAKE!!" Marinette rushed in with Adrien by her side, followed by Chris, Alya's family, then some of their classmates and Manon and Nadja Chamack. Marinette attacked Alya in a hug. Soon everyone was hugging.

"We missed you guys!"

"What happened?"

"You got deakumatized and fainted. You've been in here for almost three weeks!"

"Three weeks?!" What? Time moves slower in The Zone. When I want it to anyway.

"Yep. But you're back now! What happened?"

"Do you remember anything, anything at all guys?"

"... no..."

"It's all blurry. At least we're together right Nino?" They stood up to hug. Marinette gasped.

"What... oh..." They looked down. They were wearing their villain inspired clothing. And they looked good too.

 And they looked good too

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"Does that mean..."

"It was real?"

"What was real?"

"They checked their arms and grinned.

They each had a butterfly styled after their akumas on their arms

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They each had a butterfly styled after their akumas on their arms.

"Haha! That Shipper is a crazy one."


"I..." he frowned. "I don't remember..."

"All I remember was something about the Shipper. She said something like I'm coming for your friends or something."


"Do you know what this means?"

"I think she's working with Hawkmoth. Gave him his power. Not sure why yet though."

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