Home Sweet Home

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"We've been akumatized again."


"And we're not going to do what Hawkie says, are we?"


"So we need a plan."


"Got any ideas?" She rolled her eyes.

"Shut up and sit down Captain State the Obvious." He stuck his tongue out at her and sat down on the hospital bed. "First we need a place to stay. So we can make a plan. Somewhere Hawkmoth wouldn't expec-"

"I'VE GOT IT!" He grinned and stood up on the bed making a bubble and sitting on it. She followed him and got to an empty apartment.

"Hmm... not bad. I'm impressed. For once you used your brai-"

"Nino? Nino! Where at you?" She facepalmed.

"Seriously?" He scratched the back of his head.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." Chris ran in with a big grin on his face. It fell when he saw the two villains instead.






"AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!" He giggled. Nino stopped screaming with him and smiled. Lady Wifi tickled him. He started laughing, all his fear leaving immediately. Maurice's heavy footsteps pounded on the wooden floor.

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE IT TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP KID?!" Lady Wifi put a padlock sign on the door. He tried to open it but it was locked. He began to hit it with all his might, screaming like a lunatic. "Kid?! KID! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOU'LL WISH THAT SLUT NEVER GAVE BIRTH TO YOU!!" Nino/The Bubbler boiled with rage. Lady Wifi put her hand on his shoulder.

"Bubbles? What do we do?" He looked from the scared face of the boy to the impatient one on his Wifi.

"Let him in."

"Are you sure?"

"On my count. Three... two... now!" She took off the padlock. Maurice came charging through with his belt in his hand.

"Where's that little-"

"Who? This boy?" He turned around to find The Bubbler and Lady Wifi with Chris behind them. He grunted.

"Out of my way kid! Is it Halloween already?! I'll deal with you later! And your pretty friend..." He winked. She cringed.

"You know, I was about to ask you the same thing old man! Oh wait! That's you're actual face? Seriously? Wow... You must be a real hoot at parties." He growled at Lady Wifi and turned to The Bubbler.

"You see what happens when I let you do things like the amazing father I am? You bring in idiots. You want another one of Chris fine by me but you are moving out of the apartment-"

"Okay. Lemme get a few things cleared up. First off, she isn't a prostitute. She's Lady Wifi. My Lady. So please, don't insult her with your pathetic attempts to break her. Second, if you ever touch this child you will have hell to pay. I don't know much about him but Nino seems to love him so there. And lastly, my name is The Bubbler. And you're a prick. Never have been my father never will. Deal with it." He bubbled him. Maurice yelled from inside the bubble, trying to get out.

The Bubbler turned to the child who was staring at him in awe.

"So? Do you wanna play bubbleball? The aim of the game is to try as hard as you can to hurt the person inside-" Chris hugged him tight.

"You are the best most awesome brother ever Mama!" He chuckled.

Mama? Seriously Nino?

Shut up.

He patted the boy's head and walked over to the fridge. The boy was punching the bubble while Lady Wifi cheered him on. He groaned.

"Oh man! No food here Wifi."

"Drats." He looked around and spotted car keys. Maurice glared at him.

"Don't you touch my car Nino!"

"Shut up old man." Chris giggled and stuck his tongue out at Maurice.

"Yeah! Shut up old man!"

Great. I'm never gonna hear the end of that one.

Hey, you should be thankful. At least I didn't say any of the bad ones like shi-

Okay thanks I think I'm good.

"Sweet! What do you guys want. I'm gonna go do drive through. I can't wait to see the look on the person's face!"

"BigMac with fries and coke."

"So that and a Happy Meal for the youngster named..."


"Great. I'm Bu- Nino." On his way out he kicked the bubble making Maurice yelp.

"Yep. I am loving this." While he was out, Lady Wifi and Chris played a treasure hunting game. She spotted his phone and crossed it off the invisible list that she made up as she went along. Basically anything they found she would cross off.

She looked through it and came across his Wifi connection for some reason. And guess what the name was.

 And guess what the name was

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She burst out laughing. She was NEVER gonna let him live that down.

"Hey Chris!"

"Yes Alya?"

"Does Nino ever talk about me?" The little boy nodded and ran off. Then he came back, put a hand to her lips and said shh. Then he ran off. Alya laughed.

The Bubbler walked in and dropped the food on the table.

"Waddup my bubble loving peo- is that my phone?"

"Um... no?"

"I'm serious. Is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Gimme back my phone woman!"

"Bubbler, I have something to tell you." He frowned. Bubbler? It must've been important.

"What is it? Are you okay? Is-"

"I'm pregnant."


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