Mackenzie 😊

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I see Johnny punch Brandon And I immediately pull him backwards.

"Johnny!" I yell

He looks at me. "I'm sorry, it's just that you're mine. Not his."

I smile ear to ear and hug Johnny tightly. "I love you." I whisper in his ear.

"I love you too."

"I'm just gonna go now." Brandon says awkwardly and runs away.

We forget all about the movie and happily walk out of the theaters with our handz enlaced. I couldn't stop smiling. I am so freaking lucky.

Johnny and I walk back to StarBucks. Johnny calls Darian. She picks us up.

"How was the date?" She asks

"Wonderful." I say still smiling

Johnny was smiling too. "Yeah... Wonderful."

I lay my head on his shoulder. He lays his head on my head. We drift off to sleep.

Officially The End! I have run out od ideas... Sorry. Be sure to read all my other stories❤

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