{FANFICTION} Johnny and Kenzie realized they have feelings for each other. Before they can become official boyfriend and girlfriend something wild and terrible happens. {Complete... For now.} {Being Edited}
Written f o r e v e r ago, so ignore gramm...
I love life right now💗 I came out of the coma about three months ago. Nobody ever says anything about it. Johnny and I have been boyfriend and girlfriend ever since. Its been pretty great. Lauren and I became closer as friends. Today I'm going out with just Johnny. I guess it's like a first date or something, we're going to Starbucks then gonna go see a movie. Its gonna be so fun. Maddie insisted on picking my outfit and doing my hair and makeup. It was really nice of her to offer to do that for me. Once she was finished I ended up looking BEAUTIFUL....
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Johnny comes at 5:30pm it's 4:50pm now. I am sooo excited! Maddie is beside me completely fangirling over Johnny and I.
"Have you guys announced it yet?" Maddie ask
"No, we haven't talked about it." I reply
"Are you going to talk about it?" Maddie asks
"I don't know." I laugh as I hear a knock at the front door. I check the time. 5:29.
"I'll get it!" I yell and run downstairs to the door. I open it and Johnny's draw literally drops.
"Wow." He says
I laugh. "Thank you. Wow to you too."
He smiles.
I walk outside and Maddie runs to the door.
"Picture Time!" She says and takes out her phone.
I laugh and stand beside Johnny. Maddie takes our pictures and tells us to be safe and all that.
We finally leave. Johnny's sister, Darian, drove us to StarBucks. She dropped us off and said we can walk to the movies from here. We thank her for the ride and walk inside.
This date is gonna be great.
Since you guys apparently like this story I'm writing more to it💗 Hope you enjoy!