Chapter 10

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Peyton's POV:

I laid on the couch, crying in pain. Harry and my mom came running downstairs and over to where I was laying.

"Peyton, what's wrong?" Mum felt my forehead and gasped. "You're burning up!" She ran out of the room and Harry knelt down in front of me.

"What hurts babe?" Harry held my hand as I slowly stopped crying. But the pain still not going away.

"M-My leg." I whimpered trying to hide the pain in my voice.

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad does it hurt?" My mom came back in with a ice pack and laid it on my head.

"10." I hissed while burying my head into a pillow and screaming.

"I'm taking her to the hospital." Harry said to my mum.

"Be careful." She kissed the top of my head and took a step back as Harry picked me up bridal style. I buried my head in between his neck and shoulder and quietly sobbed. I defiantly don't have a high tolerance for pain.

~10 minutes later~

"Harry, it hurts." I whimpered as he lifted me out of the car and slammed the door with his foot.

"I know baby." I closed my eyes and listened to Harry's beating heart.

"How may I help you today?" I lifted my head and looked at the nurse. I pointed at my cast and her eyes traveled down to it. "Oh my, how bad does it hurt dear?" She came around the desk and examined my leg. I buried my head into Harry's chest once again as pain shot through my lower leg.

"Could it not be healing properly?" Harry asked.

"Defiantly one of the major concerns. I'll go get a wheelchair."

"Peyton, it's gonna be okay. I promised your mum I would take care of you. And that's exactly what I'll do." Harry sat me down in a wheelchair and we were guided down a hallway.

"My name is Carol and I'll be with you until the doctor comes. Can you tell me how long the pain has been going on?" A new nurse opened the door to a room and I was wheeled inside.

"A few days now..." I said quietly.

"A few days?! Why didn't you say anything?" Harry replied looking upset.

"I didn't want to be a bother." I said looking down.

"Love, you should've came earlier. I don't mean to scare you but if it's as bad as it seems then you may need surgery-"

"Oh god." I shook my head and grabbed Harry's hand.

"Let's get you dressed into a gown and into the bed. Alright?" I nodded and was handed a hospital gown. The nurse left the room and Harry followed.

"Harry, I might need help." I smiled sheepishly and he laughed.

"Of course love."

~later that day~

"So we ran some tests." The doctor stood in front of me and Harry, holding a clipboard.

"What kind of tests?" Harry asked, before I could.

"Many different mandatory kinds. The good news is that your knee won't need surgery. You will however have the option to be given a wheelchair to use for the time being." I sighed and leant my head back on the pillow.

~at home~

I sat in front of the tv with Darcy on my lap, while Harry was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Momma." I looked down at Darcy who was playing with a strand of my hair.

"Yes baby?"

"Love you." Darcy mumbled while cuddling into my chest.

"I love you more." I whispered back, wrapping my arms around her. She quickly fell asleep as I could hear the faint noises of her snoring. I unwrapped one arm and wheeled myself around and towards the couch. I placed Darcy down and draped a blanket over her small body. After placing a few pillows on the ground incase she fell off, I wheeled myself into the kitchen.

"Harry?" I asked as I watched him try to drain the pasta.

"Kinda busy babe." He replied, almost spilling the pasta everywhere. I laughed and opened the nearest cupboard, pulling out a strainer.

"Use this." I held the bowl up and he looked over.

"How did you find this? I looked everywhere!" Harry placed the pasta back on the stovetop and walked over.

"You must've missed it." I smiled and passed the bowl to him.

"Thank you." He replied, kissing my forehead. I blushed and continued watching him attempt to make dinner. I honestly never saw myself with Harry again, but I guess I was wrong. Let's hope nothing goes wrong this time.

A/N: and I think this chapter sucks ass. Ideas anyone? I'm thinking next chapter it will skip ahead a few months to some awards show and Kendall will cause some drama. Sound interesting? _._ please let me know!

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