Chapter 15

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Harry's POV:

I walked out of Peyton's hospital room and closed the door. A nurse passed me in the hallway and gave a sympathetic smile. The cries of babies were heard from almost every door I passed as I walked down the hallway. I exited the maternity ward and crossed the hallway into the waiting room. Tristan and Darcy were playing with building blocks that a nurse had brought them and Eva sat in between Eleanor and Louis. Eva averted her eyes away from Eleanor's gaze and looked at me. She sprung out of her chair and ran like a bullet over to me. I kneeled down on one knee, just in time as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.

"Is she okay?" Eva whispered to me.

"She'll be okay. But in the mean time I have something to show you." I stood up and held Eva's hand in mine.

"Ready to go Harry?" Lucille, one of the nurses, led me and Eva down back the maternity ward and into the room filled with newborn babies in their incubators. Eva gasped and looked around frantically.

"Eva, go with Lucille okay? I'm going back to talk to Tristan and Darcy." I kissed the top of Eva's head and watched as she walked over to Lucille, then I walked out.

Eva's POV:
I walked over to Lucille and she stood in the middle of a row and smiled at me.

"Let's play a game Eva, you've gotta find your little brother or sister without looking at the name okay?" Lucille grinned and I nodded. I started down the row of babies, only glancing at the baby itself. I passed about 7 babies before I stopped in front of one. The baby had bright green eyes and a bit of brown hair on top of his head.

"This one." I placed my finger on the glass and the baby looked up at me.

"That's right! Good job Eva." Lucille said and stood next to me. I looked down at the sticker attached to the glass and smiled.

"Alec Noah Edward Styles." I said slowly and placed my hand on the glass. "He's so tiny."

"He's nearly 4 pounds, but I've seen babies way smaller." Lucille pointed to the baby next to Alec and I stared wide eyed at the little girl wrapped in pink. "2.5 pounds."

"She's so tiny." I placed my hand on the glass of the girl's case and closed my eyes.

"Look baby girl, this is Kaleigh." Mommy pointed at the tiny baby and I smiled.

"She's so cute mommy-" the door burst open and I scrambled into the corner of the room.

"Jordan, don't shoot. Please, I'm begging you." Mommy pleaded, tears running down her face.

"Fucking face it Linda, it's over. For you and those kids." The scary man stepped forward and touched Mommy's forehead with the gun. I let out a sob and he glanced at me.

"Leave her Jordan!" Mommy screamed and slapped the man as he stepped towards me. He turned around and shot mommy. I screamed out and dropped to the ground. With one swipe, he knocked the cradle over and Kaleigh fell, smashing her head on the ground. I curled up in a ball and cried as the room got louder. People entered the room in a panic and I was lifted off the ground. I thrashed around and ran over to mommy. I placed my hand on her cheek and cried.

"Mommy don't leave me! Don't leave!!" I was pried away from my mommy and held by an officer. I cried my eyes out. My mommy was gone forever and all I was left with was Tristan.

I dropped to the ground and clutched my head. I started crying, I missed her so much, it's all my fault. "M-mommy!" I cried out and was lifted up from the ground. I didn't fight it, I covered my eyes with my hands and let out a sob. Before I knew it I was placed on a bed. When I looked up, Peyton was staring at me intently.

"What's wrong princess?" Peyton frowned and sat up.

"I miss my mommy." I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand but the tears didn't stop. Peyton opened her arms and I crawled over. She hugged me tightly and rocked me back and forth.

"I know I can't change anything Eva, but I'm going to try so damn hard to make you happy. Even if I'm risking my life to do so. I love you Eva." Peyton stroked my hair and I closed my eyes. It's now or never, she's never coming back anyways.

"I love you too momma."

A/N: so a bit of perspective there from Eva's POV. In the flashback Eva is 7 and Tristan is 2, just so you know.

Picture of Eva is on the side...

Btw there is only 1 chapter left!


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