Chapter 14

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Peyton's POV:

1 month earlier I wouldn't have expected Harry proposing or being where I am today, at court.

"Why do you two feel that Eva Marissa and Tristan Cole are fit to stay with you?" The judge asked and Harry and I.

"Sir, Peyton and I have really become attached to Eva and Tristan. Not only do I see them as my own children, they really connect with our family. I may not be around as much as I would like to, but we will support them as much as we can throughout their entire lives." Harry stated, looking back at the kids in the benches. Eva stared intently at the judge and Darcy was reading a story with Tristan. The judge pondered before speaking up.

"I'd like to see what Eva thinks about this arrangement." The judge said and I walked over to the kids.

"Eva?" I asked and Eva stood up. "Do you want to do this?"

"Yes I do." Eva smiled and walked passed me. She stood next to Harry and I walked back over.

"Eva, how are you today?" The judge asked, not taking an eye off of her.

"I'm great." Eva smiled widely and leaned into my side. I kissed the top of her head and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"That's great, how would you feel about living with Harry and Peyton?" The judge asked Eva.

"I would love to live with them. They treat me and Tristan very well. I've always wanted a family, for me and Tristan. I've seen other kids at the park, laughing and smiling with their mommies and daddies and that's all I really want." Eva smiled widely and the judge did the most remarkable thing, he smiled too. I glanced back at Tristan and Darcy to see them watching us. I motioned for them to come over and they leaped off the bench and ran over. Darcy clung to my leg and Tristan was picked up by Harry.

"Well I see no reason why Eva and Tristan cannot permanently live with you two." The judge said and sat up straighter. I smiled rubbed Darcy's head. I winced in pain as another cramp shot through my lower back. I'd been having these cramps since this morning, and I was really hoping they weren't what I thought they were.

"Eva, Tristan, meet your mum and dad." The judge smiled and got out of his seat. Eva burst into tears and ran over to me. I hugged her tight and stroked her hair. I stole a glance at Harry and Tristan who were also hugging. Harry walked over to me and Eva, holding Tristan and Darcy's hands. We all hugged each other, and I had barely noticed that I was crying. A permanent smile was plastered on my face and the tears kept flowing.


I laid across the couch, my forehead burning up. It wasn't until we had gotten home, four hours ago that I began sweating furiously. That's when Harry took my temperature and I had spiked a 101.4 which was probably just a symptom of my pregnancy.

"Peyton?" Eva walked over to me and sat cross legged on the floor.

"What's up sweetie?" I said, my voice suddenly hoarse. Eva frowned and looked at the ground, she fiddled with her hands and I reached out, cupping her cheek.

"Will I get to go to school?" Eva looked at me, and I smiled.

"Of course-" I started to reply but a rippling pain sheered through my body and I screamed.

"P-Peyton? Are you okay?" Eva stuttered and stood up. I began crying the pain was unbearable.

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