Chapter 13

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Peyton's POV:

"Harry! Are you ready?!" I yelled up the stairs, too lazy to walk up them and ask.

"Yes love." Harry came running down the stairs and planted a kiss on my lips. "You look beautiful." Harry placed his hands on my stomach and smiled.

"And you look very handsome. Now as much as I'd like to stay here, we have to go." I patted Harry's arm and slipped on my beige flats. I really don't mind going out to award shoes with Harry but when I'm 7 months pregnant, it just isn't as easy. Harry let out a chuckle and opened the front door.

"Such a gentleman." I smiled and walked outside, being greeted by a beaming Eleanor and Perrie.

"Peyton! It's been too long!" Perrie came running over and I nodded in agreement.

"Way too long! I've missed you!" I remarked, giving Perrie a hug. The only thing I hate about this moment is that everyone is now taller than me. Both Perrie and Eleanor are wearing heels, and we've already proved that Perrie can run in them... Always fear a woman who can run in heels, I feel bad for Zayn.

"Let's go shall we?" Louis snaked an arm around Eleanor's waist and kissed her cheek.

"Yes please." I laughed and rested my hand underneath my stomach. "This little monster is going to make mommy wish she had stayed home tonight." Everyone started laughing as we made our way over to the limo. I got in after Liam and Niall, and rubbed my tummy as the baby kicked away. Harry sat next to me and took my hand in his, kissing it before placing it on his leg.

No one's POV:

Everyone sat laughing and catching up on the drive to the Teen Choice Awards. Peyton and Louis talked about Louis' sisters and Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn were talking about the latest football game and how London had lost. Meanwhile Eleanor and Perrie sat across from each other, texting away about what was soon to happen. Yet nobody bothered to take note to it because everyone already knew what was going to happen. Everyone except Peyton.

~later that night~

The crowd roared as Jennifer Lawrence took the stage to announce the next nominees.

"Hey everybody!" Jennifer waved to the crowd and stole a glance at Harry who nodded slightly. "Now before I name the nominees I would like to congratulate Peyton and Harry Styles, who are not only expecting another baby but soon to be sharing the same last name." The crowd silenced and Peyton gave Harry a confusing look. Harry stood up and got down on one knee, he pulled out a small box and opened the lid to it.

"Peyton Keller, will you do me the honour of being my wife?" Harry smiled cheekily and waited for an answer. Peyton's eyes filled with tears and she rested a hand on her stomach.

"Of course I will Hazza." Peyton walked forward and Harry placed the ring on her finger. He stood up and cupped her cheek, then leant forward and placed a kiss on her lips. The crowd stood up, erupting in clapping and cheering for the soon to be married couple. Mr and Mrs Styles.

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