Chapter 11 [📱]

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I jumped from the bed and began pacing around the room. My scalp felt hot as I ran my hands through my hair over and over again, my fingernails raking the skin. I wanted to punish myself for my stupidity. There was no excuse for what I said; drunk or not. To put someone's freewill in your own hands was unacceptable.

"No, no, no, no, no," I mumbled. The words I said kept replaying over and over again as if haunting me. And in a sense they really were because I knew no matter what I did, I couldn't live this decision down.


I stalked towards Phantasm and saw her recoil from me. She looked scared, even more so than I was. "You. Tell me you didn't."


"Tell me you didn't grant it. Tell me it was an illegal wish. TELL ME!" The tone of my voice mirrored the desperation in my heart.

Her eyes told me the answer even before the words came out of her mouth. "I had no choice."

My legs finally gave way underneath me and I fell on the bed. "What have I done," my voice weak and grainy. My chest was tight, making it hard for me to breathe. My head felt fuzzy and my throat felt dry. It was as if my body was slowly trying to kill me—to make me realize the severity of what I had done.

"You know, Y/N," Phantasm started, "you're not the first one who's asked me for love." I turned my head to get a good look at her. She looked wistful but sad at the same time. "A lot of people have handled me before you. And I never reacted when they made their wish, I was happy to give them whatever they wanted. But you... you're the first one I actually cared about. That's why I'm hurt by this just as you are."

At any other day, I would've sneered at her, believing this to be some kind of joke again. However, no one can fake the look of utter desolation in her eyes. There was no denying the fact that making that wish broke the both of us.

Wait... that's it.

A wish.

I immediately sat upright, the movement making me dizzy for a moment. I grabbed my phone and faced Phantasm. "Give me my wishes."

"Wh—what?" stuttered Phantasm.

"What do I have to do to get my wishes for today? Tell me now!"

"Are you insane? Why the hell would I even give you your wishes when you just saw what happened?"

I gripped the phone tighter and shook it. "Just let me make a wish! Let me wish all of this to be undone. I wish I didn't make my wish last night! Do it!"

Fully believing I found the solution, I waited in anticipation for Phantasm to grant it. But instead of what I was expecting, her face softened and her eyes were downcast.

"Grant it!" I demanded. "I thought you were hurting too? This would solve everything!"

Phantasm looked up and winced, not a good sign. "I... can't."

"What the fuck? What are you fucking saying?" Instead of answering, Phantasm disappeared and a document entitled 'Phantasm Terms and Conditions' appeared onscreen. "What the hell is this?"

"I know you didn't read the terms and conditions," she said in the background, "no one does. But if you did, you'd understand."

Slowly, I read a number highlighted in bold letters.

4. Undoing Wishes. All wishes are absolute and cannot be undone. The user cannot wish for a rewind or any wish that can interfere with an already granted previous wish.

Phantasm (Phantasm, #1) - Camila/YouWhere stories live. Discover now