Chapter 20 [📱]

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A/N: Before anything else, I wanna thank all the people reading this ❤️ Only ten more chapters to go before the ending. Also don't rush read this chap, you'll thank me later... or not 😬

Sam's POV

My sister was an idiot.

I mean, first she tells me she has no plans of coming home. Then she tells me she has no plans of going back for my birthday. And now, my birthday was almost over and still no gift or greeting from her.

My sister was such a huge idiot.

Luckily, I was the smarter one out of the two of us. Mom asked me this morning if I wanted to have a party but I declined. I didn't even hangout with Sofi so my sister better appreciate what I'm doing.

I crept into my mom's room to make sure that she really was sleeping. Honestly, I don't know what the deal is with old people and their afternoon naps. She'll probably buy me a cake once she wakes up which is even more perfect. I shaped my pillows around until they resembled a body, then covered it with my blanket. Underneath it, I put a recorder that played me snoring on a loop. Once my mom hears and sees me 'sleeping', she wouldn't bother me anymore and that would give me more time.

Grabbing my bag, I made my way downstairs and into the parking lot. It was a good thing Macy wasn't here because she would've stopped me for sure. Once I glanced at my watch, I knew I had to hurry. I found who I was looking for laughing with another bodyguard near the pool.

"Drew!" I called out, making sure I had the sweetest smile on my face. He and the other guard looked at me but it was only him that walked up to me.

"Yeah? Is there a problem, little miss?"

I had been practicing this day since I bought those tickets with my mom's credit card. It was kinda easy to guess the passcode-me and my sister's birthday. I should tell my mom about changing it when I came back.

Nine year old charm, don't fail me now.

"So, let's go, my sister's waiting."

He tilted his head to the side. "Uh... what?"

I mirrored the confusion on his face. "Wait, she forgot to tell you?"

"I... guess?"

I sighed and shook my head. "Typical of Y/N. Do you know she almost forgot my birthday? Tsk." I clicked my tongue and smiled at him again. "You're supposed to take me to LA today because she can't come here."

It was his turn to shake his head. "No, I-I wasn't told about this."

"Yeah, that's why I'm telling you now."


I almost giggled but stopped myself. I feigned annoyance and crossed my arms. "Drew, what're you doing? We're about to miss our flight."

"Wait, wait, I-"

"Okay, fine," I huffed, whipping out my phone. "I'll call my sister." I pretended to tap something on my phone and held it up next to my ear. "Sis, listen... no, I'm still in Miami... I know right? Drew is just here standing like an idiot while we're just about to miss my flight."

I saw his cheeks redden and knew a little more poking would do it. "Yeah," I continued, whispering this time. "I told you to get someone more experienced... What? Are you sure? Well... I don't want to fire him..."

"Okay, okay!" Drew shouted, reaching for my phone. But I was too fast for him and dodged his hand.

"Looks like he changed his mind. Bye," I said and pretended to hang up.

Phantasm (Phantasm, #1) - Camila/YouWhere stories live. Discover now