Chapter 19 [📱]

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"It's such a coincidence you're in Australia the same day as Fifth Harmony and the day Camila called Shawn to meet her at their show. Are you a psychic?"

I just rolled my eyes at Phantasm's amused look. She was teasing me ever since I made the wish simply because she was probably the number one shipper Camila and I had. The whole day, she just had this huge grin on her face and no matter how much I told her I wasn't going to get Camila back, she just nodded—the words probably in and out of her ear.

"I've always wanted to go to Australia. It's not what you think," I said.

"Oh? And what am I thinking?"

"Camila and I are dating again."


"Shut up," I said, leaning over and locking my phone. Soon enough though, she just appeared right back with that annoying grin.

"Can't get rid of me that easily," she warned, waving her finger at me.

"I wish." I leaned my head back as I made myself comfortable on the sofa in Fifth Harmony's dressing room.

...okay, maybe I did come here for Camila but it wasn't to get her back, not at all. I wanted Camila to be happy and Shawn was the perfect guy for that. That's why I wanted to oversee their interaction to make sure that the boy would get his feelings across clearly. Yeah, that was my only intention.

Why am I even trying to convince myself?

"So how are you and Lauren?"

"Why are you even asking? You don't like Lauren."

Phantasm rolled her eyes as I grabbed my phone from the table. "It's not that I don't like her. I just don't like her for you."

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips. "Because you like Camila for me?" Phantasm nodded. "Well did you forget she doesn't even really love me?"

"You think you're being selfless, don't you?" I was taken aback by her words. "By breaking up with her, you think you've repaired the mistake you made. Because she never really loved you, right?"

"R—right," I stuttered. I knew I was right but for some reason, Phantasm was looking at me like I was missing something obvious.

"So why is she crying? If you've set the course to what you think is right, why is she crying her eyes out for you?"


"It's because she loves you."

"Because of you."

"Yeah," she nodded. "And this life you have, is also because of me. But you're still living it, aren't you? You haven't broken up with it yet."

"Just stop it. We've had this conversation before, I'm not having it again with you."

Phantasm smiled but for some reason it didn't reach her eyes. "You're right, we had this conversation before. But you still haven't learned from it. And I guess... you never will."

My phone suddenly locks itself before I could reply. Normally, I would get angry that she wasn't listening to me again but this time, only a feeling of sadness washed over me. I began to wonder if this life that Phantasm gave me was even worth living still.

Instead of fighting with her longer, I decided to go out of the dressing room and hang out near the stage. The public didn't know I was here, Phantasm made sure of that. So only the girls and some of their crew knew I was around.

I was about to make my way to Lauren when a sudden weight on my shoulder stopped me. "Oh fuck, sorry."

I looked down and was met with Camila's eyes. She was looking up at me with her mouth slightly open. I saw her boots were untied so I gave her a small smile before I knelt down and tied it for her.

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