Chapter 3 [📱]

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I know you don't want me anymore,

By the look on your face

They say when it rains, it pours

You can tell by my face

"Alright, that's good, Lauren. Now we'll try the chorus again," I said to the microphone.

Lauren gave me a thumbs-up from the booth and I gave Julian the signal to start the track again.

Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away

I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same

I think that's why we belong, together and unashamed

I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way

"Beautiful, Lauren! Very, very nice." I didn't miss the smile that made its way to her lips. Afterwards, I let Julian take over the session as I sat back on my chair and closed my eyes.

It's been a week since I started working with Fifth Harmony and I had to say they were very fun to work with. They weren't spoiled, for one, and followed instructions very well. You could see that they really wanted the track to sound as best as it could. It was inspiring to work with people who were really passionate about their craft.

My eyes flew open at the sound of a squeal, followed by a soft laugh. I turned beside me and saw Camila and Dinah looking at something on her phone.

I haven't had the chance to spend as much time with Camila as I wanted. Of course I knew I could just wish it up but I wanted to be cautious because Camila might suspect something's up if we accidentally ended up alone together every day. And so our interactions were reduced to a few questions here and there about her song.

Or rather, our song.

The thought made me smile. It was nice to think we had something exclusive to the both of us. Something no one knew but us. I know I was probably the only one thinking about it but... it made our relationship a little more intimate.

"The loser and me are going out for a bit," Dinah called out.

I watched them walk out of the studio but not before Camila caught my gaze and gave me a small smile. Turning my chair back towards the soundboard, I noticed the Phantasm app glowing. I tapped the app and put the phone next to my ear.


"Hey! I—eww why the fuck is your ear in my face?"

I watched Normani and Ally glance up at me from their phones so I walked closer to the door and whispered. "I'm busy. The girls are here so it's really not a good time to talk."

Her laugh caught me off guard that I had to pull down my phone to make sure she was laughing at me. "You're so bad at making friends, it's unreal."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, sticking the phone back to my ear.

"You've got your eyes on Camila this whole time that you don't even see anyone else, do you?"

"I—I have not had my eyes on her," I defended.

I could imagine her rolling her eyes. "You haven't even really talked to the other girls, have you? There's like four more of them, Y/N. Not just Camila, you know."

"I know that. But I don't have anything in common with them. I don't know what to talk about. You just thrust me in this life without so much as a warning, remember?"

"You could just wish for some knowledge about their lives, you know? I mean that's the whole point why I'm here, genius."

"Cease the sass, fairy."

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