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Ok first of all a big thank you to all my lovely readers who voted and commented on the 7th Chapter, the support I get from my readers is really overwhelming......

Do remember this is a dark FF and so it'll contain mature instances.....



Dev descended down the staircase and walked past them, passing a short glare at Sona, as he took his position between his mother and supposed girlfriend......... the two ladies in question looked up to him in anticipation, as Sona chose to be a silent spectator of the feud that was about to crop up ..........reprimanding his legal advisor, over her supposed bad behavior with his mother Dev continued......."how dare you Ms Mehra........how dare you talk to my mother like that?.........have you forgotten my crystal clear instructions about how you should be behaving in and around my place.........how many times have I told you that you got to respect my mother just the way you respect yours..........am I not clear enough in explaining these things to you or is it that you feel you are on top of the world to royally ignore my warnings........."..........Siddhi stood silent, staring blankly at the floor, her head hung low, when the next phrase which rolled out Dev's mouth scared the daylights out of her..........."Boring your eyes into the floor is not going to help you out Ms Mehra..........before I forget my manners.........SPEAK UP!!!!!!!".

Sona felt happy seeing that female jump out of her skin at his low-pitched yelp........not that she was standing still in her position...........his attitude did oppress the need of a quick escape in her being.............she cursed the time when she decided to walk down and stark her pose infront of Siddhi...........neither would she have shown up her presence to Siddhi nor would Siddhi get into a brawl with Roma ............ why did she always have to be the reason for staleness in someone's abode, how she wished she could change her existence.

Sona feared the most when Dev suddenly broke into a dreadful fit of laughter, Siddhi soon joining the bandwagon............they both did hii-fii each other before giving a pity less look to Roma ..........."kya yaar Siddhi?........kyun inpar apna time waste kar rahi ho?........don't you have better things to do in life?.........you should concentrate on things which make you happy..........not on things which make you irritated..........and a mere sight of this lady is enough to spoil your entire day......"..............he eyed her annoyingly as Roma's expressions failed to divert her inner turmoil, while Sona was numbed to her spot...........where she was cursing herself for a crime she hadn't even committed, here the entire scenario seemed to have flipped................she rolled her eyes to confirm if she was still living around on earth amongst humans.

"DEV......".........Roma shouted her lungs out as Dev held out his hand infront of her indicating her to be quiet...........she did try to protest again but all in vain..........."itna dukh kyun ho raha hai aapko?...........there's no need to get offended at all...........you are not a saint who has done all good in life to feel remorse about our behavior...........so just be what you have been all your life.........stop acting all good infront of this girl......."..........he said pointing out to Sona.........."she might actually consider you to be a good human............let her also know what kind of a serpent you are......"..........he was about to say something to Sona when Roma lashed out at her..........."what are you doing here?..........haven't you been informed that you got to stay inside your room the entire day?.........do you need to be told precisely that you have to follow my rules if you got to stay here.........get out of my sight and back to your room right now......."...........Sona mouthed a meek sorry and hurried back to her room...........but before turning back she did see Dev scrunch his eyebrows at Roma..........that did make her feel that he felt offended with the way his mother spoke to Sona.


The arguments did go on for a few minutes before the trio got back to their respective worlds..........Siddhi must have probably gone off to her place, while Roma once again left the house sighting some social cause of hers..........but Dev's presence did give her jitters although being miles away from him..........she decided to lie back and watch some cartoon shows on TV............yes her room did have a LED and she had always been a huge Tom & Jerry fan............she had just tuned into Cartoon Network when she heard a knock on the door.............wondering who could it be at this time, she hesitantly opened the door............"Dev Sir wishes to see you..........meet him in his room.........".............the maid left abruptly after conveying her Man's message to her...........she wondered what was it that made him summon her, when she suddenly remembered the morning scenario...........he was about to say something to her when his mother avoided the scene and sent her back to her room..............curious to know what all was going on in his mind, she locked the door of her room and walked over to his side.............careful enough not to disturb his arrangements of barriers.

She carefully peeped in to see if he was around...........the room did have a pleasant fragrance of jasmines loitering around, probably he had just showered.........she knocked mutely on the door, while a crisp "Come Inn" filled the air............she stepped into the room and stood in a quiet corner, as she did make it a point to adore his features from the corner of his eyes...........his wet dripping hair and seductive after smell of the shower gel did manage to churn her insides............"you can have a seat.......you are not a prisoner and neither am I a jailor........"............humor...........that was the last thing she would expect from him..........but he did have a good sense of humor............obeying him loyally, she sat at the extreme corner of the couch, while he took the seat adjacent to his study table.............he was looking nothing less than a Greek God...........in all senses.

"look I don't know what has forced you to take up this job as my mother's personal care taker..........but all I would advise you would be that you should get out of this place ASAP..........you seem to be a good soul........ don't get yourself embroiled in these unbearable situations.........look I have personally got nothing to do with you...........it's just that I don't want to see your life getting spoiled by associating yourself with a lady who's nothing but a conspirer........."........... I felt weird about his suggestions.........why was he time and again insisting on me getting out of this place...........why was he hell bent on showing his mother's unknown side too me............why did he even care about me?................was it just because he wished to rule me out of his life completely, or there's more that what meets the eyes?............thousands of questions clouded my mind as I lost the count of the time for which I was staring at him like a fool.........."what if I say that I have been living in a place worst than this before coming here Sir?"......... I cursed myself for speaking out my mind, while he looked onto me all confused about my sudden confession.



Ok so how was it???????likable, not so likable???????please do let me know through your comments.......if you all feel that I have not done justice to certain scenes and instances, then please let me know..........

Also don't forget to read, vote and comment on my other two fictions on Devkashi

#The Intended Disguise

#When Life Has Other Plans For You

You can find them in my profile, the response on these two is not so overwhelming as my dark fiction, so wish to receive your support & appreciation on my other works too.........

Till then toodles...........

The Forced Apology (Dark) (Completed) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें