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Ok first of all a big thank you to all my lovely readers who voted and commented on the 12th Chapter, the support I get from my readers is really overwhelming......

This chapter is dedicated to my two darling buddies @Gini0607 & @Rhy2015, for sanctioning my leave application.........

Do remember this is a dark FF and so it'll contain mature instances.....



Life had never been a bed of roses for me, ever since my childhood.........I had been brought up amidst my ever quarreling parents, something which has always annoyed me a lot............we used to live in a small town in the outskirts of New York then..........my dad had a small shop to earn a livelihood and that was certainly not enough for my mother to fulfill her desires of living a lavish life...............she would always accuse him of being inappropriate for her standard, she had probably been forced into this marriage by her late parents and forced to conceive me by her in-laws...........I had seen her walking in with a male friend every day, despite of numerous warnings from my father...........my dad was a gem, he loved me immensely and fulfilled all the duties of a responsible parent towards me.............he would often request my mother to atleast pay attention towards me if she couldn't give a thought to their relationship............but alas, she was too busy in her own world to pay heed to his pleadings..............a certain despise had cropped in my heart for women, I understand that not all women could be the same, but I preferred staying away from them as much as possible............they had this immense power of destroying an extremely capable man overnight............

Days passed by and my dad took ill...........I was just 15 then, he would always bother about my future and shed tears in his bedridden condition feeling scared for me...........amidst all this my mother had all the time in the world to take up modeling............she had started making portfolios for her modeling career and pictures showing her in a compromising position with her so-called co-actor would pop up in the newspapers every alternate day..........my classmates had started teasing me over my mother's unusual profession.........they had been asked to stay away from me since their parents were scared to let them me in my company.............I was a loner not only at home but also outside that...............I didn't let my dad know about my sufferings till his last breath............he was suffering from a chronic heart disease and we had no funds to treat him.............I tried to gather some money by doing small jobs after my schooling hours, but that wasn't enough for him to survive.............with a wife having zero concern for him and his well being, he had given up the zest to live............he struggled till his last breath to live for me but to his bad luck even his breaths had betrayed him like his wife............he passed away after one long year of ailing, leaving me behind shattered.............if he's death was not enough for me to break down, the promise he had taken from me to always take care of my mother would make me cringe............why did he have to bother about a lady who was spending her nights in the arms of her so called lover, when her husband would be wailing here back home............typical husband material, he did look after her till his last breath while made sure that I look after her once he stops breathing.................


Years passed by and I became a successful businessman............this villa had been built up by me just like my business empire.............I so wished I could dump that lady to bear the fruits of her ill treatment towards my dad, but his last wish didn't allow me to do so............I forced her to quit all her ill jobs and accompany me to my current location.............but still the wickedness inside her failed to die-off...............she would attend these Page 3 parties despite of not being invited, under the pretext of being my mother as she knew her son was a big name in the city..............we were never on good terms in life till now and in future also I didn't wish to reconcile with her.............I let her live her life the way she wants and got busy in my world................

The Forced Apology (Dark) (Completed) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें