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A big thank you to all my lovely readers who voted and commented on the Previous Chapter!!!!!!.........

Here goes the next one!!!!!!



(mature content ahead, read at your own risk!!!!!!!)


The drive back home was a silent one............none of us spoke, the storm held in our hearts was creating quite a stir in our brains...........he parked the car haphazardly and pulled me out along with him............I felt like being an actor who was shooting for her sudden wedding sequence, where the hero comes out of the blues and drags the heroine out of her room to fill her parting with the sacred vermilion..............

His hold remained firm on my hand as he took me through the living area, the maids starring at us like we have just erupted out of the land.............his one stare was enough to push them back into their quarters, tonight he was on a different planet.............wonder what was on his mind............

I looked around while ascending the stairs to see if his Mom was around keeping a watch on us...........surprising, the lady detective was missing...........he pulled me inside the room before letting go of his hold on my wrist.............locking the door securely, he went ahead to shut down the blinds...........now this is something new, he had never done this before..........

"where all did that ba***rd touch you before I arrived?".............his query crisp, threatening, scarring the hell out of me...........I stammered a bit, should I tell him the truth?...........should I tell him where all he had laid his filthy hands on my body?............should I also tell him about the shameful words he said to me?..............I guess not..........

"Nowhere Dev..........he was just trying to scare me.........nothing else.........actually he was trying to steal your papers, and it so happened that I caught him red handed............he just got furious and tried to shoo me off..........it's not what you perceive it to be.............".............I trailed in my speech as I heard him repeat his question yet again............

"where all did he touch you?"...............this time his voice held more pain then angst, more fear then annoyance..............I decided to stop beating around the bush and tell him the truth.............there was no use of hiding it after all................he had ofcourse seen that leech lay his lips on my nape..........

"just here"..............I pointed out, I didn't want to make the situation awkward.............he was suffering like hell since long............he had his own botherations, I shouldn't trouble him even more............he moved closer towards me, his hot breath fanning my face...........

"into the bathroom now, you need to clean yourself".............his stare scary...........his voice menacing............I preferred giving myself a shower rather than standing there and get affected by his gaze...........there was some power in his honey brown orbs..............they always managed to create a pit in my stomach...............

I picked up my towel and walked into the bathroom..........I didn't knew why I was being treated like a unchaste women...........as I was about to shut the door, I felt his hands block the gap between the latch on the door and the hole in the wall............what was he up to?.............I gasped as he pushed open the door and entered inside, making me stare at him dazed............

He lifted his hands to the hem of my top, as I felt him untie the strings holding my top in its place over my shoulder..............it loosened, as I held it back strongly to prevent any unwanted display to him.............he put his hands over mine, as he pulled them down from their place where they had been loyally holding my top back...............

"you don't bathe with your clothes onn Sona...........let it fall".............his talks were hypnotizing..............it made me numb as he held me by my shoulders and pushed me into the shower cubicle.............I realized what all he was up to, when his hands travelled down the length of my arms, trying to lift the top up, probably to pull it over my head............

"Dev..........please..........I can do this myself"............I pleaded...........this was the last thing I could imagining him doing to me.............getting into the shower along with your husband might be a common thing out here in west...........but then it's appropriate only when the two of you have made love to each other............here the two of us were still extreme strangers.........we had not even dressed up in each other's presence.............

"you don't have any experience Sona..........you need to clean yourself very well when such pests happen to lay their filthy hands upon you.........let me do it for you"...............he said huskily............his deep, sexy voice creating havoc in my being............

"Devvvvv"..............I moaned as I felt my body react to him unexpectedly............I felt my hands automatically lift high up as they facilitated him to slide the top off my body..............all of a sudden I felt so exposed under his hungry gaze.............his dilating pupils were certainly a major turn on...........

His hands meddled with the button of my jeans as I felt my breath hitch invariably..........."Dev please..........no"..............I begged this time..........I knew this could lead to bigger things............but right now we need to focus on more graver issues.............does he even remember the purpose behind us sticking back to each other?..............

"Dev please............this is not so right".............I had to warn him...........right now he looked like a drugged man to me............"I know what I'm doing Sona...........just relax"............he turned me around such that my back hit his hardened chest.............I could so feel his hardened member over my arse through my now soaked jeans.............

The faucet kept dropping cold water on us, drenching us, clasping our souls into one.............his hands ran over my body like magic, I felt like I was being canonized............his roughened fingers traced the outline of my fulcrum as his palms cupped my bosom...........I felt a moan escaping my mouth...........his lips automatically curved into a smile...........I could feel it as his lips were in constant contact with my shoulder blade.........

After an hour long torture in the shower cubicle, he left me abruptly............I was appalled, what happened all of a sudden.............."come out quickly.........I'm waiting for you.........there's a lot more you need to learn".............he sort of commanded me, not that I mind this behavior of his............I had always been fantasizing myself giving him pleasure by silently following his orders...............seems tonight is going to be the longest one........



This chapter will be made private upon target completion as well!!!!!!!!

As already mentioned, the chapters and its content are going to be mature and bold..........be careful before reading if you are unable to handle such stuff...........

My other fictions on Devkashi

#The Intended Disguise

#When Life Has Other Plans For You

#Devakshi Passionate OS Series

You can find them in my profile

Also do give a read to my new SS on Devakshi Abashed

The prologue along with first four chapters have already been put up.........

See you upon target completion!!!!

The Forced Apology (Dark) (Completed) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें