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Ok first of all a big thank you to all my lovely readers who voted and commented on the 11th Chapter, the support I get from my readers is really overwhelming......

Do remember this is a dark FF and so it'll contain mature instances.....



Two days had passed by...........that fateful night had left both of us shattered...........Siddhi had broken up with Dev leaving him emotionally drained............I could hear him weeping at odd hours, as now I had been shifted in a room next to his.............it was not just his painful breakup with Siddhi that had left him broken............but it was also his loss of reputation that had left him helpless.............people had accused him of using me for his own benefits, media personnel had been patrolling continuously outside the Dixit Villa to grab some hot news about our illegitimate relationship...............various tests had been conducted on me for the past 2 days, it was declared that I have lost my virginity to Dev that night which I knew wasn't true............the doctors claimed that he had forced me quite harshly that night, that I had lost my ability to react to things because of him.............accusations were sprawling inn from all the sides...............his staff had lost the fear they held for him and had started looking down upon him..............some other news channels also declared me as his personal sl*t who had been asked to fake sickness on being caught red-handed with her master.................only if I would be able to get up and speak my heart out...............if only I could!!!!!!!!!!!!

What amazed me more was Roma's behavior towards Dev.............instead of persuading him she would never leave a chance to taunt him............she firmly claimed that he had forced me to quit the job given by her and join him just because he wanted to earn other benefits from me too, apart from helping him out in his official work............she would call him a product of impurity, seed of which was sown by his dad in her womb.............I felt ashamed to address her as his mother...........how can a mother treat her son like this?..........that too in this moment of crisis?.............mean people do exists everywhere...........not only the poor, even the rich are at their behest............

One fine evening Dev walked into my room............I had just discovered that I could move my fingers a bit that morning............I was stretching out my fingers a bit when I heard a light knock on my door.............my eyes flew up to the direction where I saw Dev entering my room, his look suggested he had cried for hours together..............strange to hear right, a ruthless businessman had been weeping day and night about his messed life ..............he came and settled down next to me..............

"how are you feeling right now Sonakshi?...........I hope you are feeling better!!!!!!!!!!"............his voice had underlying concern for me, but it also suggested that he had some other motive behind visiting me............I still remember the day following that fateful night, when he had asked me to speak up in his favor............I kept my helpless mum, while he kept getting accused by his so-called would be fiancée................she called him a pervert and what not, accused him of using her as well for his pleasure............they fought for around two hours, when she left all of a sudden breaking all her ties with him.............he kept calling out to her, but she had turned a deaf ear towards him............but despite his shattered state he did his best to maintain my dignity...........he managed to get a female hotel staff to dress me up, as he realized I was not even able to move an inch from my position............he did take me to a local hospital to get me checked but there also his fate didn't stay by him..............the media people flocked in much to our discomfort and the doctor was forced to conduct various tests on me to check if we had slept willingly with each other or Dev had forced me into bed...............not all stories have a happy ending, ours didn't have too.............Dev was declared my keeper, and all I could do was shed silent tears.............I knew the doctor was bribed and the media greats as well...........money could give you happiness as well as sadness............bitter but the stark truth...........

The Forced Apology (Dark) (Completed) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें