The party

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Hey guys this is my first story so bare with me!


It wasn't bad to start with. I genuinely loved him. He was the perfect boyfriend anyone could ask for.

He made sure I was cared for. He brought me coffee, and stayed up with me when I was up all night. I guess the really only down side is that he was protective, and maybe a little jealous.

"Come on please come hang out at Abby's tonight. You never hang with us." Kelley said pouting.

"Kelley you know how worried Nick gets when I stay out past 10." I told her sitting down in the meeting room.

"Do you even hear yourself!" she said pacing. "Becky you are a 22 year old women. I'm pretty sure you're allowed to stay out past 10."

"Kelley I would, but I just don't want to make him upset. I'll go to Abby's until 9:45 then I have to leave. okay?"

"Yes!! Thank you!" she yelled as she ran out of the room.


"Nick you are blowing this way out of proportion!" I yelled walking into the bedroom.

"No I'm not! If you would just fucking listen for a minute, and stop being stupid you would understand why I said no!"

Frustrated I walked out of the bedroom and went and sit on the couch. I promised Kelley I would go over and now I'm stuck here. I grabbed my phone and decided to text Alyssa so I didn't have to face Kelley directly.

Becky: Hey Alyssa bad news, I can't make it to Abby's tonight. I told Nick and he had a total melt down. Can you please Tell Kelley I'm sorry.

Alyssa: Hey Becky. It's fine, and yeah I'll tell Kelley. Just be safe. I'll see you tomorrow.

I shut off my phone, and saw that it was almost 7:30. I got up going to the kitchen to get dinner started.


It was about 10:45 when my phone lit up.

Alyssa: Can you please come get Kelley she is piss drunk.

I sighed knowing this was going to happen.

Becky: yeah give me 10 mintues and I'll be on my way.

I walked over to Nick to tell him where I was going. "Kelley is drunk and I have been told I have to go get her. I'll be out of the house 45 mintues max."

He looked at me like he wanted to say something, but looked away. "Whatever. You better only be out for 45 mintues" he replied, as he went back to the game and his beer.

"Okay," I sighed as I walked away.

Great the reaction of an annoyed Nick.

I went to our room and grabbed my wallet and keys and with an "I love you" to Nick I was on my way.


As I got to Abby's house I saw why Kelley was piss drunk. It wasn't one of her normal 50 people parties. This one had at least 200 people.

"They are so dead," I whispered to myself as I walked towards the door.

As I walked in all I heard was "This is Narly dude!!" follow by a crash. As I got closer I could see an annoyed Alyssa picking Kelley off from the floor.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked Alyssa as I helped her get Kelley off the floor. "Well I was going to put her in Abby's room, and get her to sit in there until you got here, but she decided it was going to be an amazing idea to jump off the second story."

I looked at Kelley and she just looked dazed and confused. I looked at Alyssa worried. "Are you sure she just drunk? She looks out of it."

"As far as I know all that she has to drink is alot of shots."

"Okay well can you just help me pick her up and get her out to the car?"

Alyssa nodded and the both of us started to get Kelley's dead weight off the floor and started dragging her towards the car.

As we loaded Kelley into the front of my car I closed the door and turned towards Alyssa. "Thank you for calling me about Kelley."

"No problem." Alyssa said smiling. "I knew Kelley was gonna get outta hand, and I knew that you needed to get out of the house for a little bit."

I walked up to Alyssa and gave her a hug. "Thanks."

"No problem. So are you taking Kelley back to her apartment or back to yours?"

I looked down and saw i had already been go for 30 mintues. "Fuck I guess she is gonna have to go to my apartment tonight. Nick is gonna throw a bitch fit when I bring her in but it's already 30 mintues, and I told him I would be gone for a max of 45 mintues."

I stepped away from Alyssa and went around to the drivers side and got in and started the car. I rolled down the passenger window so Alyssa could look in.

Alyssa looked at me for a minute before speaking, "Just be safe please Becky. If you need anything please call me."

I sighed knowing what Alyssa was hinting at. "I promise Alyssa I will. Have a good night and please stay safe."

She nodded and with that I rolled up my window and looked down at the clock and saw i had 10 mintues to get back to the apartment which was a 15 mintue drive back. I knew I was in deep shit.


Hey guys! I just wanted to tell y'all that I may not update fast. I am a senior in high school and I am in the marching band so I am busy alot. I do plan to continue this story but not as fast as some people would like.

I hope y'all liked it. Please vote and maybe put some suggestions down below for the story.

Thanks for reading it!

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