Maybe I Could Have Prevented It

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I wrote this at 1am I am sorry for any errors in advance.


Kelley pov

As Becky walked up the stairs towards the guest bedroom I looked at Jill and Dawn.

"How bad was it when y'all found her?"

The two ladies looked at each other the proceeded to walk towards the couches and sat down.

Jill coughed nervously "it wasn't the best sight to see your captain in. She was in a tank top and underwear passed out in the middle of the floor. Before Dawn and I decided to try and wake her up we made sure he wasn't there and take a quick scan of the bruising on her body."

"Wait bruising on her body?" I cut in quickly. "She has other bruising other than her face?"

Jill nodded her head an continued to speak. "I'm not going to tell you about all the bruising that is something she needs to do on her own."

Nodding my head understanding that people need time to process things and that when she is ready she will come to me.

Still curious I asked, "What did the house look like when y'all were inside?"

Dawn decided to answer this time. "There was beer bottles everywhere the kitchen was a mess and there was some left over coke littered around the coffee table."

All I could do was nod. I couldn't wrap my head around Nick being drunk and having coke in the house, and I just couldn't understand why she came here instead of Alyssa's. I mean her and Alyssa are super close and they lean on each other for things.

"I heard them fighting one time," I blurted out all of a sudden.

"Heard who fighting?" Dawn asked looking at me and Jill extremely confused.

Way to go Kelley now you've done it.

I took a glance at them decided I had no choice but to tell them now. "Nick and Becky. Awhile back Abby had a party and wasn't her normal 50 person party this one had somehow got attention to more people and it turned into like a 200 person party. We finally convinced Becky to come during practice, but she later texted Alyysa that night  saying she couldn't make it because she she told Nick and he had a total melt down. So knowing Becky wasn't gonna be there to look after me like a toddler I went a little crazy. I don't all remember what happened, but I remember I mixed some pills and alcohol together and I was super out of it. I'm guessing Alyssa called Becky because the next thing I knew I was in her guest bedroom under covers. I decided I was going to take off my pants so I was a little more comfortable. All of a sudden I heard screaming. Nick was yelling at Becky that she lied to him because she was out longer than 45 minutes, and was accusing her of her getting drunk and partying over at Abby's."

Both women looked at me bewildered. Not knowing why I just stopped right there. "Is there anymore to the story?" Dawn asked.

All I could do was look down, away from the women. I could have talked to her about it but I let it be on her own.

Jill tapped my leg and I jumped "Kelley look up. What are you keeping from us."

I took a deep breath and continued. "Becky started yelling at him about she was out past time because when she got there I decided I was going to jump off the second story right when she got there, and then on the way home she had to pull over because I had to puke. She was also saying she didn't drink and she wasn't drunk, an he could even do a breathalyzer test on her. He then told her to sleep on the couch for all he cares and then he slammed their bedroom door an then it got quiet and I fell asleep. I think she did sleep on the couch that night. I wouldn't know that though because she was making breakfast the time I got up."

I looked at them they were trying to process everything I just told them.

"She gave me a plate of breakfast on it and she went to go wake Nick up, and she came back a few minutes later saying he's gone for the day and she didn't have to be home until 9. You want to know what she did?."

I looked at them to make sure they were listening to this part. "She got her bottle of whiskey out and took four shots back to back. I had to take it away from her and tell her to eat. I told Alyssa about it and that's when we decided we should go to the zoo."

I couldn't look at them anymore. I felt like I couldn't look at anyone. I decided to see how Becky was doing.

I walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom and saw it cracked open. I glanced inside and what I saw broke my heart. Becky was curled up in a tiny ball at the top of the bed.

I went to the closet and grabbed a throw and gently pushed the door open. I unfolded the blanket and softly layed it over her.

Almost immediately she snuggled into it. I saw her face for the first time other than at the door.

It was so bruised and scratched up. She did however look a lot more in peace then what she looked liked when she walked through my door.

I walked out of the guest bedroom and slide down the wall of the hallway. I just cried. How could someone so special, someone who cares so much about people end up in a situation like this? I could've helped her that morning. I could've asked her about the whole fight.

Honestly Maybe I Could've prevented it..


Hey guys I know another update!

Well it's almost because it's 1am and I can't sleep. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for any errors.

Remember give me suggestions and vote on my chapters


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