bathroom brothels

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All I could do was pace the room back and forth, back and forth holding the near emoty vodka bottle.

I don't know what to do. I just want to drown myself in the alcohol, and be numb to the world.

When I told Hope that the Becky everyone knows and loves was dead I was not joking. She really is dead because when I stand in front of the mirror i cannot even recognize who it really is.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the water and plugged the tub. As the water got to the right height I slowly climbed into the bath, clothes and all.

I saw that the vodka bottle had about two good more swigs. I drank the rest, and then threw it against the wall shaterring into the floor. I picked up one of the peices and decided to look at it. I looked at my arms and just saw all the little hand marks sitting there. I couldn't bare just looking at them, so i took the piece of glass and cut through the hand.

I did it several more times, and then I just sat there and decided to watch the blood stain the nice green sweater.


Alyssa Pov

Me and Kelley left the restraunt about 20 mintues after Becky and them left.

I was honestly worried about her because she left the table looking alright, like she was going to have a nice little chat and then all of a sudden, Hope is coming in and telling Jill that her and Christie were going to take her back to Kelley's house.

We walked in and saw Hope And Christie sitting on the couch watching some television.

"Where is Becky?," i asked casually.

"Um.. well you see.." Hope Started. "She fell asleep in the car and as soon as she got back her she was back to 100. We came inside she got three shot glassss down did 2 shots of vodka, challenged me to take one, and had a couple of hits of weed before Christie told her to stop. I asked her what the matter, and she kinda just took the vodka bottle upstairs and announced that she was gonna go upstairs and drink the whole bottle of vodka"

My mouth was gaped opened. That wasn't like Becky at all. That honestly sounded something Kelley would do.

About 2 minutes after Hope finished her spiel we heard a loud crash.

"Shit Kelley! Where is your keys to the doors??" I asked frantically.

"Um... they are in the first drawer on the left when you go into the kitchen.

I raced over to the drawers grabbed the keys and then turned around to see if anyone else was going come with me.

Christie looked at me and said, "She needs you. Just yell if you need us."

I nodded my head and raced up the stairs to the room that she was staying in and picked the lock.

I finally got the lick undone about a mintue later, and i slammed open the door and looked around and didnt see her. Then I saw that the bathroom door was closed.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down before going over to the bathroom door and seeing if it was locked.

I turned the doorknob and to my suprise it wasn't locked. I slowly pushed the door open and walked in quietly, and what I saw just broke my heart.

I walked to Becky, and my eyes traveled to the the blood seeping out of Becky's arm.

"Oh sweetheart..." I said quietly. I got a washcloth from under the sink and started washing the blood off of her arm.

I saw that she was slightly shivering. "Come on Becky we need to get you out of the tub and into some dry clothes." I said as I was starting to reach to help her.

"No," she said strongly.

"Yes Becky you do. You're gonna get sick."

"I don't fucking care Lys. Let me get sick." She said.

I grumbled. I was not fixing to get into an argument with Becky.

"Im not gonna argue with you Becky. You are intoxicated and if you do not get out of this bath, I am going to have to pull you out of it, and you're going to end up sick."

I looked at Becky to see what she was going to do. And all she did was shrug her shoulders.

"Okay you asked for it." I mumbled under my breath.

I went to grab Becky and she moved over towards the wall more.

I reached again and this time she moved forward. I wasnt having it anymore and I finally got ahold of Becky's arm.

When I grabbed her arm, I was not expecting what happened. She started to thrash around and trying to get out of my grip.

"Come on Becky you have to get out of the bath." I said still trying to reason with her.

"NO!" She said still trying to get out of my grip. "Just leave me here!"

Shaking my head I replied, "No can do."

I knew I was not going to be able to get her out of the bathtub myself.

"Hope can you come up here and help me real quick!" I yelled downstairs.

I knew Hope was the strongest out of the three down there and I knew she could maybe help me Calm down Becky.

As I was waiting for Hope to get in there Becky kept swinging her free arm to hit me, so I would let go. Luckily she never acutally got me.

About half a mintue later Hope came came into the bathroom with a bewilder expression on her face.

All could say at the moment to her was, "Ill explain later, just help me get her into the bedroom please."

She nodded her head, and went over to the tub.

It took us about 10 mintues, but we finally got her out of the tub, and "dried" her off and got her into the bedroom. Once we got her to the bedroom she just kind of gave up and let me help her.

I thanked Hope and told her that I got it from there. She left and I got Becky changed and tucked her into the bed, and I layed next to her.

I cuddled into her, and whispered in her ear, "I wish you could see how much everyone cares about you...especially me."


Hey guys here is a chapter. Im sorry i havent posted in 10,000 years. It was a crazy summer and I have started college.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote on it, and i am always up for some ideas.

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