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The world is full of broken people.

But in the mist of heartbreak and chaos,

You get beautiful memories,

Of the ones who stand beside you,

The ones who you thought,

Would never see you cry.

But now see you rise from the ashes.

Because of those people,

You have your best moments.

Because of your warriors,

Who help you face the world,

The same world full of broken people.

Which now has one less heartbroken,

One less person hoping for better times,

One less person who thinks,

There's no point to any of it.

Because of the people,

Who stand up for the broken,

There is more love than ever.

So live your life,

With your weird friends,

And your crazy family,

They're the people who'll love you forever.

Because they finally saw you cry,

And decided to do something about it.

They are the reason for everything you do.

They are the reason you're now unbroken.

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