Chapter 7 ~Marina and the...What?

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A/N I'm hungry and want to watch a good movie but I can't find one yet. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts. 

Chapter 7 ~Marina and the...What?

Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all. ~Mandy Hale 


Evan's POV

I smiled down and Quincy who was snuggled up to my chest asleep I rubbed circles on the back of his hand. I felt the sparks coming back and I decided to take it as a sign that we might still be mates. It was too good to be true and I was afraid to close my eyes and open them to find out this was just a dream. I glanced at the clock and it was already 1 am his parents must be worried sick about him. 

I felt myself smile when I thought about the events that happened earlier today. He talked on and on about his favorite singer Marina I decided to tease him and say that Lana was better. He threatened to choke me with his dick if I continued and I was tempted to. 

I suddenly chuckled a bit to loud "Mhhmm, Evan go back to sleep" he grumbled. "Wait a minute. Evan" he jerked up and looked at me with wide eyes "When did I get here. What?" he looked around confused. 

"You fell asleep here" I told him. 

He nodded and laid back down on my chest "How are you feeling" he mumbled while rubbing his eyes. 

I shrugged "Better I guess. I can't go to school tomorrow I'm off the rest of the week" I explained. 

He nodded "I'll stay too" he said determinedly.

"No" I said "You can't you just started school this week you can't just be absent the rest of the week" I told him.

He huffed "I don't want to be left alone with Justin he's weird" 

"Hang out with Maggie and her mate Logan then" I told him. 

"I don't want to intrude" he sighed. 

"You won't I promise" I whispered "Now go back to sleep you have school" I told him softly. 

He yawned and nodded "You need sleep also" he wrapped his arms around my waist and burrowed his face into my chest. 

He was out before I knew it and I was struggling to sleep the thoughts from earlier were swimming in my mind. 

*Flash Back* 

"Marina and the what"I asked confused. 

He rolled his eyes at me "Marina and the Diamonds" he said "She is like my favorite singer" he sighed. 

I scoffed "I thought it was a band" I crossed my arms over my chest. I felt like shit and I was tired but that didn't matter because I was spending time with him and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. 

"I can't choose my favorite song by her though because I like Bubblegum Bitch, but then I like Lies. But there's also Valley of the Dolls, and How to be a Heartbreaker-" I cut him off. 

"Why don't you play her songs for me because now your just confusing me" I rubbed my temples weakly and sighed. 

He frowned "Am I bothering you because I can leave if you want" he said worriedly. 

"No" I said quickly "It's not you at all I'm fine just play her songs" I brushed him off. 

"There's also Teen Idle" he added.

"Grr, can you just play the damn songs I don't know what your talking about anymore" I complained. 

He giggled and snuggled into my chest he pulled out his song "Well start with Teen Idle, or maybe Bubblegum Bitch, but there's also Valley of the Dolls" I sighed as he started ranting again. He looked up at me "You choose" he whispered looking me in the eyes. 

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