F0r3h34d Boy had just finished editing his latest video after a long day of recording. He then told his fiancee Erin that he was headed outside to take a break from unemployment. John unlocked his phone as he sat down and gasped as he saw a new message from his good pal Mark.
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That was the first time he layed his eyes on him.
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He headed back inside with that sexy emoji on his mind. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. johkn opened it and saw the tall, handsome emoji from earlier.
"I'm Gene ™. Is Jacc here??™"
The boy could only watch as Gene sexily leaned against the doorway and did that weird yet strangely edgy foot position thing you see in movies.
"Y-you're lookingn at him," the 29-year-old disappointment stuttered.
Gene smirked down at jack and squeezed his thicc fuckkgn emoji a$$ through the doorway, then backed john up against the table.
"Wanna date me so I don't have to hang out in the Loser Lounge™ where the emojis that never get used hang out™?"
The unemployed disappointment blushed deeply.
Just then, Erin walked in the room,,
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Flanked by their dogs Klondike and Sundae.
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