Gene shoved the boy against the wall and pulled down his pants, revealing the back of Jack's shit emoji briefs. 💩
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John was soon unclothed and the emoji slammed into his entrance from the back as hard as he could, electing a moan from the youtuber👬
"I'll fucking vore you right now John" Gene whispered👄 into his ear,
"Hey got room for one more" the Aubergine said 🍆🍆🍆 from the stall over"
"No go away no one likes you" said Gene😒
"Okay" said the eggplant🍆
Suddenly the door to the bathroom burst open and John heard the familiar voice of Erin yelling. He panicked and quickly dressed himself, just as the stall door was flung open. Standing there was Erin flanked by Jenna Marbles and her garbage dogs, !!
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"This is what you get for going after my garbage dogs" Jina Mumbles exclaimed looking at Jack accusingly.
Erin, who still couldn't believe Jack had basically cheated on her with a fucking emoji, glared angrily and told Gena to sick her garbage dogs on jack. They growled and prepared to pounce,, Just then, Gene and Jack's attackers had been assailed from behind by, that's right, you guessed it, fidget spinners! They were being whipped at them left and right. Jarbles and Eren Jaeger finally surrendered and left with their garbage dogs.
Gene and Forehead peered out from the stall to get a glimpse of their heroes. It was Fidget Spinner ߷, and their girlfriend Malina, the world renowned champions of Being Gay™ the sport of kings!
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They left soon after, leaving Jack to rethink his life decisions.
~For Mal and Fidget Spinner's story, copy the following link: