John exited the stall and heard strange noises coming from the eggplant🍆🍆's stall next to him. He pushed open the door and saw Felix!! holding 🍆Aubergine close to him. Pewdipeie looked up from the eggplant he was about to fuck and whispered "pls don't tell Marzia"
Suddenly Jacob Sartorious burst through the door playing Sweatshirt on his recorder!!!1!11!!!! Gene and John ran out of the bathroom sweating. They left the Loser Lounge™ and decided they needed to go somewhere else. Gene used his teleporting powers that probably no one knew he had and suddenly him and John were inside someone else's cellphone📱📱. John looked up at the 🎮game on the phone.
"Who the fuck plays Candy Crush?"
He looked up at the screen, a window to the outside world, to see who was behind it.
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"It appears to be Mikey Way Circa 2004," Gene said grimly.
"Wait but candy crush wasn't invented back then-"
😒"Shut ur whore mouth John" 😒 Gene told his boyfiernd
Suddenly Jimbles Saggytoads hacked into the phone and started playing his recorder again. Mikey screamed and dropped the phone. Gene and Forehead decided they needed to find their song because it's this stupid fucking thing that most couples like to do,,
T h e y f o u n d i t.
Meanwhile, Mikey way was seeking therapy at Ray Toro's house surrounded by his chums. "Milkey what happened?" Said Ray.
Mikey was curled up on the recliner in the fetal position, shivering. Gerard stood with his arms resting on the back of one of the couches behind Spencer, who was picking at a scab on his knee. Jon slapped Spencer's hand away from his leg.
"Have you been playing Candy Crush™ on your phone again?" Said Joe.
Mikey wouldn't respond.
Joe took Mikey's silence as an okay to grab his phone from his back pocket and see what was on it as Geerad walked around to the front of one of the couches, sat down and lazily kicked his legs up, stretching them across Frank's lap. Joe unlocked Milkey Way's phone and all hell broke loose as Jimbles started blowing his recorder again
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, then spammed everyone's phones with the shit emoji💩💩💩💩
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Because he's a literal piece of 💩
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Mikey was rushed to a doctor soon after.
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