P.S: this book is so awful in the first few chapters, but I promise it gets a lot better and a lot more interesting as my skills progress.
Y/n pov💜
Today was finally the day. I was going to the Y/C (your city) Comic con and I was so excited. I had begged my mother for weeks before she finally bought me tickets to go, I have a lit mom.
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I giddily hopped out of bed with a grin across both of my rosy cheeks and walked across my soft carpeted floors to my small dark brown dresser and began to pick out an outfit.
After what felt like hours which was most likely minutes I finally picked out (the outfit above) it was not too fancy but not too casual and also pretty cute if you ask me.
I put on a touch of makeup and brushed out my messy (short/long) hair. I decided to leave it down today, i liked it like that. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on some perfume.
I began to walk back to my bedside table, grabbing my bag off of the floor in the process.
I quickly unplugged my phone from its charger next to my bed. "Y/n! Time to go!" I heard my mother yell.
"coming!" I responded as I bolted out of my room mentally screaming the sonic the hedgehog theme.
I ran down the stairs nearly tripping on one of my brothers school bags "Martin! Clean up your bags up I almost tripped on them!" I shouted through the house with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "I'll do it later" he yelled back.
I sighed and walked into the kitchen grabbing a piece of toast and eating it quickly. I could see Martin in the living room playing some video game on his Xbox, 'such a procrastinator' I thought to myself. I couldn't really complain though, since I was quite the procrastinator too.
"Ready to go, love?" My mother asked kindly as she gently picked up her coat from the hanger. Love was a nickname she gave me when I was very young. It just stuck that way I guess. "yeah" I responded with a mouth full of toast.
"Alright lets go." She laughed as she took a step out the door "we'll be back at 6, behave yourself" she told my brother as she stepped off of the porch and made her way to the car.
"Bye, Martin!" I yelled as i stepped out the door. "Uhuh- yeah bye" was all he responded with as he kept his eyes glued to the tv. My brother is... interesting. We used to be very close, but then something happened, I don't know what but he slowly grew farther and farther away from me, and now he mostly spends his time playing video games or skyping his girlfriend in his room.
(Keep in mind your brother is 17 and your 14 in this story)
I sighed and walked out of the door, shutting it carefully and making sure to lock it. I quickly ran off of my porch and to the car, opening the car door and sliding into the passenger seat. "You got everything?" My mom asked as she smiled sweetly. "I think so!" I replied with a smile. "Okay" she said as she began to pull out of the driveway.
We finally arrived at the building which the comic con was taking place in. It was gorgeous. There were people cosplaying as video game and tv show characters, I even saw some people wearing stranger things and IT tshirts.
I walked up the long line of stairs up to the doors of the building with my mom, carefully trying not to trip on the steps. My mother gave the ticket person our tickets and she gave us our wristbands and permitted us to walk inside. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much and I could feel my heart racing.
As we walked inside, little did I know my life would be changed for the best.
WOOOSH THATS THE END OF THE FIRST CHAPTER YAY, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's pretty short and doesn't have any Jaeden action (yet) but there will be some in the second chapter which I hope to release tomorrow. I just got done writing this at like 4 am so I should go sleep bye lol
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