s e v e n

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It had been about a week since I started texting finn, he was honestly extremely nice to me and it felt like some weird dream that I happened to go on forever, but I couldn't wake up. We didn't text often on some days, probably because he was busy. Some parts of me way back in the farthest corner behind each and every twist and turn of my brain I thought he didn't like me anymore, but he would always come back and talk to me all night, which to be honest I didn't mind at all.

It was around 9 am on a weekend, I was still sleeping when all of the sudden I started getting a bunch of texts on my phone, waking me up immediately. I shuffled in the covers, reaching my hands around trying to find my phone, when I did, I turned it on, squinting at the sudden bright light. I saw about 8 messages, all from Finn.

finnie: y/n

finnie: y/n

finnie: Y/N

finnie: omg answer

finnie: did you die hello




you: I'm awake oml

finnie: ok cool

you: what do you want it's 9 am on a Saturday

finnie: I'm still in town do you wanna come hang out

I felt my heart nearly jump out of my chest, my cheeks heated up and my palms started to sweat.

You: ooh okay sure, where at?

finnie: just my hotel room if that's okay w u, the other losers will be there

You: okay sure what time

Finnie: maybe in an hour or whatever is good 4 u

you: ok I'll get ready

I hopped out of bed, chills of excitement tickling up my spine. I was going to hang out with the losers club. I walked to my closet and started search for an outfit, hearing the loud squeaking noise of the hangers against the metal rod holding all of the clothes. This is when the worry kicked in, "what if they don't want to hang out with me because I'm a fan?" "What if they think I'm annoying?" I thought to myself.

I had finally picked out an outfit, it was pretty casual because I didn't wanna seem extra.

After changing, I walked into the bathroom, feeling shivers run up my spine from the cold floor. I brushed my teeth, flatly staring at myself in the shiny mirror. I didn't put on any makeup, it took too much time and effort and I honestly just wasn't up for that.

I walked downstairs, noticing my mom walking to the door with her purse in hand. "Where are you going?" I asked, making it to the bottom of the stairs. "Out grocery shopping, do you need anything?" She asked as she pulled the strap of her purse up so it wouldn't fall. "Not that I know of. I was gonna ask you though, can I go out and see some friends while you're gone?" I asked as I casually leaned my elbow on the counter. "Sure, but no longer then 4 pm please" she answered, giving me a warm smile. "Okay" I said, pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

*timeskip to after you ate and after your mom leaves bc yet again I'm a lazy bag of shit k thx*

I walked outside, holding my bag close. I got on my bike, pushing a strand of hair out of my face before peddling down the street.

when I finally reached downtown, I breathed in, enjoying the thick (thicc) sweet scents of the bakery, and the savory scents of the many restaurants. Finn had told me which hotel they were staying at before I left, I easily remembered it but the hard part would be finding it. I rode my bike down many streets, making many twists and turns. When I finally got to the hotel I was already extremely out of breath, I wasn't in shape at all and I never rode my bike that much for that long, especially in such hot weather.

After locking my bike into the bike rack, I walked into the hotel, feeling the blast of cold air conditioning hit my skin as I walked inside. I sighed in relief as I cooled down. The sun was quite unforgiving that day. I looked back over Finn and i's texts and read the room number he had sent "265" I mumbled to myself as I walked to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited.

When the elevator opened I stepped in, admiring the nicely decorated elevator walls around me. Even though elevators are quite scary, I decided to use it anyway because I wasn't in the mood to walk. I pressed the '2' button and waited patiently, feeling a lump start to form in my throat, I was very anxious, but when wasn't I?

I got off of the elevator, sighing in extreme relief that the elevator didn't collapse to the ground and kill me. I walked down the hall in front of me, searching for room 265, when I finally found it, I reached to knock on the door, but I froze, so many thoughts were running through my head at the moment, none of them positive, my palms started to sweat and my breaths became shaky as I listened to the many voices inside the hotel room. When I finally gained the courage, I knocked 3 times

'knock knock knock'

I stood petrified, hearing the shuffling of feet and muffled voices inside the room, I heard what sounded like Finn say something, and then he ran to the door, opening it.

!!!!! wow I'm back!1!1 bet you didn't miss me

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