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me rn cause I love y'all sm
We all talked and laughed for a bit, I had grown to love Jaeden and his mom. But then it hit me, in a few days they would be leaving to go to another state because they were really just here for a comic con, this made me sad but I also reminded myself that maybe they would return for an award show, and I could see them again.
I mentally slapped myself.
no, I would not see them again, Jaeden is only doing this out of pity, Finn and Wyatt want nothing to do with me and I understand why, I'm just a fan, I'm just one girl out of hundreds of thousands more that have a better chance of becoming friends with them then I do.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when Jaeden's mother pulled the car into my driveway, turning the shift to parked. (I don't know shit about cars omg)
"here we are, kiddo" she said, as she rested her arm on the arm rest thing next to her seat.
"thank you" I smiled as I unbuckled my seatbelt, but before I could open the door and step out, I felt Jaeden gently grab my wrists, instantly sending shivers up and down my body and turning my face red.
"what's your Instagram" he whispered, not wanting his mom to hear for some reason.
I thought it was a little odd that he wanted to know, but honestly who could refuse giving Jaeden lieberher their number?
I happily accepted, giving him my Instagram, we said our goodbyes and I thanked his mother yet again for driving me home, I just wondered how I was going to explain to my mother that my bike got stolen and a famous child actor who I have a major crush on got me a ride home.
I exited the car and walked to my porch, seeing my mother walk out the door.
"honey? Where's your bike? And who's that?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she watched the strange black car slowly back out of the driveway. "A friend gave me a ride, my bike got stolen" I said, slightly embarrassed, but who would have predicted my bike would have gotten stolen anyway?
"It got stolen??- and isn't that kid in the back that jaed-" she was about to question as she saw Jaeden in the back, thank god he was looking at his phone so he didn't see her staring. I interrupted her before she could say anything.
"nononono, that's not him, psh haha why would Jaeden give me a ride home, where are your glasses mom?" I chuckled all to nervously, I was way too tired to explain things and I personally just wanted to crawl into my bed and watch Jane the virgin, the previous episode was getting pretty dramatic.
"I don't need my glasses you goofball" she laughed as she playfully slapped my arm, I laughed too. "Come on kiddo, help me make dinner" she said as she walked inside our small house, but I stayed behind.