I stayed up in my room for a few phours, probably fighting with the people in the fandom about the mlystery girl hanging out with Jaeden, who was me ughl lmao get rekt😤😤🤧.
I was watching Jane the virgin, ignoring the background noise of my mother setting the table, I forgot that dude and his daughter were coming over.
I really wish my mom would stop bringing men into the house.
I continued watching Jane the virgin for the next couple of minutes, my eyes glued to the bright screen, bathing my face in a color changing light as the scenes switched from one to another. My attention was interrupted by my brother, Martin, opening the door and walking in.
"Thanks for knocking" I said sarcastically as I sighed and shut my laptop, shifting around in my thick, fluffy blankets.
"k, you need to get yourself ready and look presentable 'cause that guy and his daughter are coming over in like 5 minutes" Martin said as he grabbed my laptop from the maze of furry blankets and comforters and set it on my dresser.
"Are you kidding me?" I groaned, using my hands to rub my temples.
"I'm just as unamused as you are, now go get ready, now" Martin demanded sternly, sighing and leaving the room.
I rolled my eyes, kicking the blankets from my lap and heaving myself out of bed.
I walked to my closet, staring at the different colors of clothes, mostly c/c (clothing color)
I ended up picking a dress, not fancy but not casual either, it was kind of vintage too, perfect.
I put it on, it was a little tight considering all of the hot pockets I had consumed in the last week, but what could I do, exercise? no thanks.
I put on some concealer and mascara just so I could look half way decent, having to fix the mascara multiple times due to fallout or me accidentally getting it on my eyelid.
I put on my shoes, which where just plain white adidas by the way, because I knew nobody would bend down to look at my shoes and be like "you vile cow, how casual of you"
I sat back on my bed and checked my phone, looking through Millie bobby browns Instagram, she was so successful at such a young age, meanwhile I stayed at home on weekends eating and accepting the fact that I will be forever lonely and never get rich or famous, but I simply accepted it.
I was rudely snapped out of my thoughts by my mothers voice ringing from the bottom of the stairs. "Y/n! Come down her please! Mr. Rosebeth and his daughter are here!" She shouted, walking away from the bottom of the steps.
I sighed and jumped up from my bed, instantly wishing I could just crawl back in, falling asleep and having nice dreams, forgetting about my horribly crippling loneliness.
I walked out of my room, making my way to the top of the stairs and walking down, satisfied with the fact that martins books had been picked up, he was now really starting to be more productive and that made me a lot happier.
I finally reached the bottom of the stairs, seeing a tall man and a girl around my age standing by the door, they both looked so nice, it made me feel under dressed.
The man was obviously very wealthy, his suit looked expensive, I don't know why he would wear a suit, we were just eating dinner? That's how I knew he was probably rich.
The girl, presumably his daughter, had long slightly wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, big lips and a defined jaw, she was very beautiful. She was wearing a short red sequined dress, not cheap looking sequins, very expensive ones that reflected off of the lights and almost blinded you when you gazed at them.
her dress was slightly tight fitting, perfectly showing off her curves. I don't know why a girl of her age would be wearing such a tight fitting piece of clothing, but that was just me coming from a strict family.
My mother walked over and put her hands on my shoulders, smiling at the two, she curled her hair and put on red lipstick, she had a quite old fashioned look and she looked stunning, any man would be lucky to have her, only the right man though, I was very protective of my family and I wanted to make sure my mother found a good guy, this man did not seem special in my opinion.
I just hope my mother didn't choose him for his money, sure we weren't wealthy at all, but why would she even do that?
"This is my daughter, y/n," my mother beamed, using her thumb to lightly rub my shoulder as a sort of "relax, it's okay" gesture.
"Hello" I smiled and waved all too awkwardly, trailing my gaze down to the wooden floors.
"Y/n, this is Jonathan rosebeth, and his lovely daughter, cenzie" my mother told me. my mother seemed very fond of Cenzie, I just wanted to know if she was a bitch or not.
My mother then walked into the kitchen, picking up the bowl of mashed potatoes and bringing them to the dining room and setting them on the table.
"Alright everybody into the dining room!" my mother smiled, sitting down at her seat, everyone else gathered into the room and sat down as well.
We all got our food from the large selection of dishes my mother had prepared, as I was plopping a huge heap of mashed potatoes onto my plate when I noticed cenzie staring at me.
"Are you really going to eat all of that?" She sneered.
wow hey this is a boring chapter but sorry I didn't update sooner I was at the beach
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