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Finn POV:

As I signed her things I couldn't help but glance up at her from time. The way her freckles danced upon her face like stars, the way her hair moved so smoothly when a breeze struck. She was gorgeous. As she was about to leave I made an impulse decision, I quickly wrote down my number on a small piece of paper and stuck it in her pocket as she left. I immediately regretted it though. 'What if  she leaks my number?' I thought while running my fingers through my curly hair. The thoughts quickly went away, 'she wouldn't do that, I trust her. I don't know why but it just feels like I've known her my entire life' I thought.

Your POV:

I was in absolute shock. 'Is this a joke?' I thought to myself. This couldn't have been real. "Y/n! Let's go look around at stuff, the IT meet and greet doesn't start until like 30 minutes" my mom said. "Okay." I said with a short sigh. I really wanted to know why he gave me his number, or why he even trusted me with it in the first place.

After about 25 minutes of looking around the comic con, I had bought a special edition Steve Harrington pop figure, a Mike wheeler pop figure, an IT Tshirt and a stranger things bracelet. We finally decided to head to the it meet and greet since it started soon, and I was honestly really dreading seeing Finn again, I don't know why.

As we approached the area where the meet and greet was taking place I noticed my heart beating faster and beads of sweat starting to form on my forehead. 'Keep your shit together' I thought to myself as I took my It poster and my IT tshirt from my mother to be signed and walked into the line. The cast wasn't there yet, so the line wasn't moving, at all. It was exhausting.

After about 10 more minutes I started to hear the crowd talking and cheering and as I looked up my heart immediately melted. There he was, Jaeden Wesley lieberher, sitting down at his table where he would sign things. His table was first too, and that filled me with both happiness and anxiety.

I stood there in line for about 10 minutes watching him sign posters and things for other fans, but I didn't care about that. I was just watching him, he was beautiful. His smile alone lit up the room, his blue eyes so beautiful you could find yourself getting lost in them. After about another 10 minutes of daydreaming I realized I was next in line. 'BITCH YOU'RE NEXT IN LINE' I thought to myself as I watched the girl start to hand Jaeden her posters.

I was staring off into space watching Jaeden sign her posters, he had nice hands, like really nice, I wondered if I could ever hold his hands one day? Probably not, I doubt Jaeden would want to even touch my crusty ass hands.

And then I saw him hand her the posters he had signed and she thanked him and walked to Jeremy.

I quickly grabbed my phone case and the IT poster I had with me, trying not to let them slip through my hands because they were so sweaty and I walked to jaeden's table.

"Hi" I managed to squeak out, words could not explain how nervous I was at this point. "Oh hi! What's your name?" Said Jaeden as he used the palm of his hand to rest his chin on while waiting for my response. "U-uhhhhh- y/n" I said, studying his beautiful deep blue eyes.

"That's a wonderful name" he said as he lifted his chin off of his palm.

"Can I sign your posters?" He asked, gesturing towards the posters I had in my hand. "Oh yes! Sorry" I blurted as I realized I had just been standing there blankly staring without giving him the posters. I watched him sign the posters after I handed them to him, I studied the way his beautiful eyes looked upon the poster as he wrote, the way his cute ass hand held the metallic silver sharpie, and all of the other amazing things to be noticed about him, and then he looked up, he must have noticed me staring because he chuckled softly and smiled.

"What?" I asked, obviously embarrassed because I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Nothing, you're just cute when you stare" he laughed and continued to sign the second poster.

I was honestly trying not to choke on air and have a coughing fit at this point. 'Did this hot ass bitch just call me cute' I thought to myself.

"OH, uhhh thanks- I guess" I blurted as I felt my blush deepen.

Jaeden smiled once again, and handed me the now signed posters, "have a nice day, y/n" he said as he rested his chin on his palm once again. "Thanks- I mean you too. Heh" I said awkwardly and quickly walked to Jeremy's table to avoid blushing even more.

oh my god I finally finished the chapter I'm sorry this took so long I'm a big shady lazy bitch (I have some big plans for this book)

dontletmebegone --Jaeden Wesley lieberher X reader Where stories live. Discover now