11: Before (Pt. 2)

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•England's POV•

"(Y/n), love, are you okay?" I walked on the squeaking floorboards as I approached (y/n) and kneeled down. "It's all over, we didn't succeed but we still have a few days-"

She quickly sat herself up and scooted away, "D-Don't touch me!"

"H-Hey, what's wrong-"

"I saw what happened! I saw my past..." She roughly quivered in fear and anger. "It's your fault! It's all your fault!"

"How did you get your memories back..."

"That doesn't matter!" She stood up, but I was quicker and I held both her wrists, "Let go of me!"


"Gooood morning, Arthur!" The little (y/n) ran down the stairs, almost tripping. At least her thick British accent made her sound like a lady.

"Be careful!" I scolded, "You might hurt yourself and die."


"Now, now, Arthur." Sir (l/n) came near me and smacked my head, "Don't scare her, wanker!"

"Sorry, sir..."

"Anyways," He grabbed (y/n)'s backpack and set it to her. "Mind if you take (y/n) to school?"

"Yes, sir..." I looked at her and she gave a toothy smile.

It was finally dismissal time for the kindergarteners. I walked to the building and waited, but all that came was a beat up little girl with bruises.

"Sorry I took so long!" She smiled.

"(Y/n)! What happened!?" I bent down to her level and grabbed her shoulders.

"Ah, Artie it's nothin'!" She gushed, "Weell, I may have gotten in to a fight..."

"And that fight happened because...?" I raised a (humongous) brow.

Her voice lowered and she chuckled, "She got what she deserved... She stole Martha's lunch and called her fat, so she deserved it. Bad people go to bad places and it was about time she went."

"Then what happened...?" I asked with a bit fear in my voice. There's no way that she could've killed her, right? She's only 6, yet I'm afraid of this child...

"Nah, just gave her a few slaps in recess, kicks– got sent to the guidance counselor..."

"Ah, well that's minor... I guess."

"Then stabbed her with her own safety scissors on the leg!"

"That's good," Wait. "NO! No, I mean that's NOT good! Terrible! Very bad!"

"But she deserved it!"

I sighed, I looked back at the building to see a limping girl with a bloody left leg accompanied by friends and family. "I think we need to go..." I tried to scurry along with her but she was too stubborn.


"Just- Agh! Let's go!" I grabbed her small hand and started running the opposite direction.

We stopped running and panted, "Are you ok?"

No reply.

"(Y/n)?" I perked up and started searching like a mad man, "(Y/N)?!"

'She's still in the area, right!?' I thought. I then notice that the street is near to the (L/n) cottage.

I run to the direction and move any obstacle on my way. I hear screams. I smell smoke.

I smell fear.

"No..." I stood before the burning house. People were crowding the giant cottage, splashing water against the surface.

"A little girl went in there!" A woman shrieked. It was then I knew, that the statement that made me freeze, would be the statement that changes my life.

The villagers gathered around, even pushing me in the process.

Moments later after the fire, the early Scotland Yard came to pick up remaining bodies for autopsies and investigation.

"S-So, what happened, s-sir Abberline?" I stutter at one of the greatest officers.

"Alfred only mentioned about a burned corpse of an old man which he carefully examined to be Mr. (L/n)." He placed the evidence papers back in his drawer, mentioning my younger brother. "You ought to know he's the best man we have to perform an autopsy."

"Right..." I groaned.

"He's also a great archaeologist. Maybe Mister Jones working with Doctor Jones wouldn't be so bad." He joked.

"His human form is literally of a kindergartener's," I shifted in my seat, "Speaking of kindergarteners, that's the only body found? Someone mentioned a child going in the cottage."

"No other bodies were found, Kirkland. That's that," He stamped his journal with my failed task written all over the page, "Goodbye. I am actually very disappointed in you, but I suppose this is the first mission wherein you failed."

I gulped, standing up and walking to the door, "Y-Yes. Yes sir, deepest apologies."

Once I was out of the room, I wiped all the remaining beads of sweat on my face. Knowing that I couldn't save a child's soul made me anxious.

I'm so sorry.

It's been years since that incident happened. Everyone I knew from that time era is dead.

The year was 2017, yet the thought still stayed in my mind until now. Why couldn't I save Mr. (L/n)? Why couldn't I save his daughter? They did nothing wrong—


"Can't catch me, Tino!" 2 college students played around in the snow. I only knew one of them, he's undoubtedly the young studying country called Finland.

The girl climbed up the tree, swinging her legs as she sat on the branch.

Tino laughed, "(Y/n)(l/n), get down here right now! You might fall and die!"


"I'm just kidding! Seriously, get down from there!"

'(Y/n)(l/n),' The name rang in me ears countless times.

I placed back my shades, wiping the snow off my jacket. Sometimes I wonder if wishes come true when you try hard enough.

But seeing her again made me feel happy, it made me feel like I brought justice back to my work.

"(Y/n)..." I breathed, "Are you ok...?"

She nodded.

"Did you also see my memories?"

"Mhm..." She smiled, "Arthur, I'll stab you with safety scissors!"

I laughed at her childlike silliness, "Just like before."

To Be Continued...


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