10: Before (Pt. 1)

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This is part 1 of the flashback chapters that will finally reveal half of the mystery! :3
•England's POV•

I watched as (y/n) and Tino shared the kiss. I'm not jealous, am I?

They quickly let go, and as that happened, he stood up and ordered his squad to run away with him. We let them got away with the item...

This shouldn't happen.

But I let it happen. I've committed so many mistakes, even in the past. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to fix this...

I walked down the wet road and eyed the quaint house I was going to live in. My boss ordered me to live here because it was a targeted village the Wendigos marked.

I especially have to watch over this girl named (y/n), but why would I want to watch over a silly girl?

Whatever the reason is, I seriously don't want to get involved with the problem... Even if it IS part of my job.

I sighed and roughly fell down for god knows why.

"What the bloody—"

"No swearing!" A small voice shrieked, "That's bad!"

I looked up to see a little girl fixing her strong string trap that caused me to fall down.

"Why are you-"

"I'm playing detective!" She clapped her hands in satisfaction, "By myself!"

"By yourself?" I groaned and sat up.

"Yep! I imagine a problem and make up the rest as I go!" She jumped over the string and stood before me, "I was hoping to gain more friends if I put up this trap!"

"What a sad child..." I muttered. "Anyways, what's your name?"

"STRANGER DANGER!" She yelled, but laughed afterwards, "Just kidding. I'm (y/n)(l/n) and I'm 6 years old! I also like your eyebrows!"

"Wow, thanks..." I touched my forehead to where my eyebrows are, but being hit by realization suddenly let me freeze. "Wait... Say your name again...?"

"(Y/n)(l/n)!" She tilted her head.

"(L/n), as in the pharmacist's daughter?" I asked.

"Yep, do you know my dad?" She then started to pick flowers.

"I was actually on the way to your house to visit him!" I chuckled. "Well, I'll be going now– to your father. Goodbye."

"Wait! I'm going with you!" She laughed and threw mud at me, which I ignored. If I would get angry at her, she'd just throw more mud. That's just how children work.

We walked and god was she just the chatterbox! I basically ignored her statements and just kept nodding, laughing with her or agreeing. I have great acting skills!

"You're obviously not listening, but I'll still talk anyways!" She smiled and my eyes widened. She's just a child, how did she—

"It's obvious. Growing up in a crappy family basically gives you the skills to find out what's fake or not," Her voice lowered and I immediately got scared.

We entered her house and found her old man making dinner. "Uh... Hi, sir (l/n)..." I coughed.

"Oh, Arthur, take a seat." He said heartwarmingly as he recognized my accent and continued cooking.

"Dad! You know this guy?" She laughed and sat on a chair with ready food on the table.

"Ah, yes..." He turned around and set another pot of soup on the table, "He's my close acquaintance. His name is Arthur Kirkland."

"Yes, that's me..." I laughed nervously.

"Arthuurr!" She emphasized, "So that's your name!"

I took a seat near her as placed my hands on my lap in nervousness. I didn't know how to tell sir (l/n) about the serious force coming against him. He also had a daughter here, being a single dad would even be harder to break out the news to the small family.

"Arthur, I received the letter," He took a seat right next to his daughter, "No need to worry about me, I'll be fine."

"But sir—"

"Hey, who's the man of this table?" He joked, "Me. Now quit your yapping and eat the soup."

(Y/n) giggled, "Arthur's not a man!" I glared and poured soup onto my bowl.

"I AM a man, for your information." I brought the spoon up to my mouth and I sipped.

"You don't look like one." She stated as I almost choked on my soup, "You look too attractive."

Well it wasn't me who choked, it was her father. "Now, now (y/n), don't say such things because you pity dear Arthur here..."  He joked once again, while I fake laughed.

"He really does look attractive," She sighed. "I'm not saying you're handsome though!" She chugged down her soup and ran upstairs to her room.

"Your daughter looks just like you..." I softly smiled.

"If you ask me, I think she looks like her mother," He wiped his mouth with a napkin, "But she's gone now, and I can't do anything about that now."

"Yes..." I looked down, "So far magic isn't strong enough to bring back the dead."

"The Wendigos could take me instead, just not my daughter. I'm not losing another loved one."

"I'll do my best to try to protect your daughter, before and after they leave. I'll make sure of it." I proudly said. "After all, she's special."

"You better do that..." He chuckled, "Wanna wash the dishes with me?"

I quickly stood up and joined him, "Y-Yes, sure."

To Be Continued...

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