Chapter 9

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"He did what?!" Monique asked, surprised, as I told her and Erika about dinner with Malcolm. We were at Erika's house, talking over a meal of curried pork with rice and cranberry juice.

"And that's not even the worse part," I continued. "He had the audacity to send me flowers at work today and ask if I'm free for tonight."

"Oh no he didn't!" Erika exclaimed.

"Oh yes he d--" I paused for a while as I remembered something."Did I tell you I got arrested?"

"What?!" Monique and Erika said in unison, a surprised expressions on their faces.

I told them all that happened that day, making sure not to leave anything out. They both listened attentively with shocked expressions.

"Now detective Sterling is driving me crazy. He's everywhere. He even gave me a speeding ticket this morning," I finished.

"Detective Sterling?" Erika asked. "Chris Sterling?"

"Yeah," I said. "Do you know him?"

"Duh! He's that gorgeous detective from the downtown station. How could I not?"

I laughed. "Oookay?"

"Don't act like you haven't noticed," she said.

"Whatever," I said. By then we had finished eating and I got up to take the dishes to the kitchen.

I gathered all three dishes and brought them to the kitchen while Erika followed with the glasses.

After I helped her do the dishes, we returned to the kitchen and sat there for a while longer, talking. An hour or so later, though, I bid them goodbye and left for home.

As I stepped outside the house, I couldn't help but notice the whether had changed. The sky that had been a clear, vibrant blue a few hours before was now covered with dark clouds and though it was only about 8pm, it was about as dark as midnight. A low roar of thunder sounded somewhere in the distance.

I hurriedly walked to my car and got in, then pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

As soon as I got home, I took a shower and changed into PJs, then brushed my teeth and snuggled up in bed.

By then, I could hear heavy rain drops hammering against the roof. I closed my eyes as my thoughts went to Patrick.

Memories of him flooded my mind and I couldn't help the lone tear that rolled down my cheek.

We used to love the rain. We'd shared so many memories that involved the sound of the rain on the roof. But now all the rain did for me was bring back unwelcome memories and remind me just how lonely I was.

Resisting the urge to reach into the nightstand drawer and take another look at the picture I had put in there, I turned onto my other side, then opened my eyes to look at the time on my alarm clock. It read 9:08.

I decided to get up and make myself some hot chocolate. As I made my way to the kitchen, my new ringtone, Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler, blared through the air, making me feel more depressed than I already was.

I hurried back to the bedroom where I had left my phone and found it on the bed. I accepted the call and brought the phone to my ears.


"Hi," came a familiar voice, "is it a yes for tonight?"

"What?" I said, confused.

"You didn't get the flowers?"

I signed as I understood what was happening.

"Malcolm, I already told you I won't be going out with you again. I'm just not interested." Maybe I was being a bit cold but I didn't care.

"I can change that," he said arrogantly.

"That can't be changed, sorry."

"I'll be there in an hour, to prove to you that I can change your mind."

With that he hung up and I was left staring unbelievingly at the phone. With a shrug, I tossed the phone back onto the bed, pulled on my robe, and went back downstairs.

I set some water to boil, then got the ingredients together. Within minutes, I was snuggled up on the living room couch, hot chocolate in hand, watching reruns of The Nanny.

I was about halfway through an episode when my phone rang again. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I got up and retrieved it from the bedroom.

"Hello," I said impatiently.

"Hey, what's with the tone?" It was Monique.

"Oh hey." I carried the phone with me back to the living room. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else. What's up?"

"I just wanted to know if you made it home before the rain. Its awful outside."

"Yeah, hardly. What about you?"

"Barely. Dane picked me up a little after you left," she said. "Are you watching the news?"

"No. Why?"

"The weather lady is saying that a storm is out."

"You're kidding," I said.

"Nope. Check TvJ."

I didn't really want to change the channel since I was really enjoying the episode that was on but I did anyway. Sure enough, the weather woman was talking about a storm that was headed directly for Jamaica. Hurricane Olivia, she said.

"Wow," I said. "I hope it turns away like Matthew did."

She laughed. "I hope so too. See you tomorrow, I think I'm going to bed."

"Okay bye."

"Bye," she said, then hung up.

The weather lady changed the subject from hurricane Olivia and I changed the channel back to The Nanny.

Just as the credits were rolling for another episode, there was a knock on my door. I turned down the TV and got up, then headed for the door.

"Who is it?" I called.

"It's me."

I paused, startled.

"Malcolm? What are you doing here?"

"We have a date, remember?"


I opened the door, only to be slapped in the face by the bitter cold. The rain became about ten times louder.

Malcolm was standing on the porch, an umbrella in his hand.

"Why aren't you dressed?" He asked before I could say anything, a disappointed look on his face.

"I told you. I'm not going anywhere."

He didn't say anything for a while.

"Will you at least let me in?" He finally said.


I shut and locked the door, then returned to the couch.

The nerves of that man!

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