Chapter 26

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After a long ride from Santa Cruz back to Mobay, we finally made it to the station, and detective Sterling parked in the parking lot. As we exited the car, I looked up at the building and couldn't help but remember all those weeks ago when I was brought there in handcuffs– the first time, that is.

That time, the building had looked like a penitentiary for the soulless. Today, it looked like a regular workplace for regular people.

"Are we reminiscing about old times?" I heard detective Sterling ask.

I shot him a hostile look.

I wonder what the charge is for slapping an officer?

Without answering, I started walking towards the entrance. As we entered the station, my nostrils were filled with the now familiar scent of fresh coffee.

"Why does this place always smell like coffee?" I asked directive Sterling.

"Because something needs to keep us up and awake, and coffee is legal."

I laughed.

"Wait here," he said, and started walking towards a lady sitting behind a wooden desk to the back of the room.

He returned shortly after. "I'll be going to speak with Officer Wilson and the superintendent. I'll be back in less than an hour. Wait here, okay?"

"I can't come?" I asked, a bit disappointed.

"Sorry, It's supposed to be confidential. But I'll tell you how it goes, okay?"

"Okay, sure."

As he disappeared up the steps at the end of the hallway, I took a seat on one of the chairs that lined a section of the room and tried to think of ways I could pass the time. I finally decided to listen to some music. I removed my phone and earphones from my purse, plugged the earphones into my ears, and connected the other end to the phone. After making a selection, I closed my eyes and relaxed into the chair as Ego pooled out of the earphones.

I zoned in to the music. As different songs penetrated my ears, I sung along in my head, drumming my fingers on my thighs to the rhythmic beats.

I was halfway through Man! I feel like a woman when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I removed the earphones and opened my eyes to see detective Sterling standing in front of me.

"I've called you over 10 times," he said. "You shouldn't be listening to music so loudly."

"You're finished?" I asked him.


"What happened?"

"I'll tell you as soon as we get something to eat," he said. "I'm starving. How do you feel about a Whopper?"

I gave him a shocked look.

"What?" He asked.

"What happened to Mr. Fruits and vegetables?"

He laughed. "He's hungry."

I followed him out of the station and to the car. He drove to the Burger King on bottom road.

There weren't many people there, which was to be expected as it was Sunday. I sat at one of the tables as detective Sterling joined the line. He got to the table shortly after carrying two paper bags and two milkshakes. He handed one of each to me as he took a seat.

"How did it go with Omar?" I asked as I started on the fries.

"He kept denying it. He got suspended, though."

"Suspended? Shouldn't he be going to jail? He helped a very dangerous person escape from jail."

"We have no proof. He has a concrete alibi."

"Which is?"

"He claimed he was with another officer at that time. The other officer confirmed it."

"I thought you said you didn't know what time Malcolm escaped," I said.

"We don't, but he claimed he was with the other officer all night."

"And you believed him?"

"Not for a second. But I will speak to him again... alone."

"What makes you think it will be any different?"

"It will," he said calmly, biting into his burger.

"What about the officer he said he was with? Was he lying when he said Omar was with him."

"I do think he was with him," he responded. "Just not at the time of Malcolm's escape. He may have left and lied about where he was going."

"You think that's what happened?" I asked.

"I think that's a possibility."

We continued to eat in silence. When we were done eating, we returned to the car and started towards my house. When detective Sterling parked in the driveway, I exited the car and, after retrieving my keys from my purse, unlocked the door.

I entered the house, detective Sterling behind me, and halted just inside the doorway.

"What's wrong?" Detective Sterling asked.

"Something's different," I told him.


"I don't know. "I glanced around the living room. Something just didn't feel right. Something was out of place and I just couldn't spot what it was.

That was when my eyes landed on a sheet of paper lying on the sofa. I moved towards it. I didn't remember leaving it there.

"How did this get here?" I said aloud.

I reached out to pick up the paper.

"Don't touch it."

I stopped mid-action. Detective Sterling stepped in front of me and reached into his pocket. Pulling out a glove, he pulled it on to his right hand and picked up the paper.

A confused expression blanketed his face and he turned the paper over in his hands.

"It's blank."

I examined the paper from behind him as he flipped it over and over again.

"I must've left it there by mistake and forgot about it, or maybe it fell from a book or something." I said.

"I highly doubt that," he replied. "Pages don't just deliberately fall from books. Do you happen to have a ziploc bag?"

"I think so."

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bag, then returned and handed it to him.

He dropped the paper into the bag and sealed it, then removed the gloves and put them back into his pocket.

"Malcolm was in my house," I said with a cringe.

"Was? What makes you so sure he's gone?"



I was kinda half asleep when I wrote this so my apologies if it doesn't make sense.

Thanks for reading...hope you enjoyed this chap. Let me know what you think.

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