Tell Tale Hearts [One-shots]

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Play the works magic...okay enjoy! <3


That beast. That wretched, yet divine killer of a man. He was going to be the end of me I just knew it, and he knew it too. Purposely he does this. Every single day he would sit there watching me and my every move. He thought I didn't notice? Please, I could feel those spiral eyes burning a hole through my damn head. I could feel him eyeing me right now. 

Looking me up and down. I shouldn't be talking when I practically do the same thing. Yes, yes, I know how bad that sounds. This is a fucking circus clown we're talking about, at least that's what he looked like to most people. To me he was much more than that as silly as it sounds. I should know better than to let my emotions get the best of me, but there was something about this joker that got to me. 

His raven black hair that fell to his face, from time to time he rush his fingers through those dark strands, pushing the hair back and away from his painted face. He would do this and scratch his head when something confused him and he thought too hard about it. It was adorable really, and the faces that came with the confusion. Made me laugh just a little every time.

Just like the joker he was, he was always making jokes. He liked to tease me and get on my nerves. Every part of me just wanted to take those stupid cards to his throat and end his little miserable life right here and right now, though I could not. It was the same reason I couldn't kill him, who's name should not be mentioned at the moment. Though I would never even admit it not even in my thoughts, I couldn't even say those nasty words, the words that lead to heart break. You know those three little words, fuck it. Who the hell am I anymore? I am Jack Veil, Vex Town Killer. The man who has all the petty little town's people shaking at the knees. Emotions? Ha! I have no sympathy for any living creature, especially not that blasted scum ball clown man. Right?

"Easy there tiger, I don't think our maid is going to be back any time soon to repaint the walls" Ozwald said with a chuckle.

I blinked once, realizing that I was making a mess of paint chips on the floor, and turning the tips of my fingers into bloody messes as well. Letting out a deep, frustrated sigh, I turned my head to face the man who was smiling that stupid wide teasing grin.

"You are a nuisance of a being, I don't know why I didn't just kill you in your sleep" I spat, keeping that blank, emotionless stare I have come to master over the years. It wasn't too hard to do it this time either, when I actually meant what I said. He was every bit of annoying, in fact he was the definition of it. To me at least.

"I was not sleeping for the last time" he said in almost a growl, "I was just-"

"Resting your eyes? Whatever you call it, it was sleeping you were practically snoring for a god damn hour, I'm seriously surprised with myself" I said,making my way to the hallway closet to get the broom and sweep up the mess I made. 

"You better what yourself puppet, or I might just kill you myself" said the clown, holding one of his cards threateningly between his fingers, ready to throw it straight at my throat.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the broom with one hand, while the other rested on my hip. "And what makes you so sure you'll be able to over power me, hm?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrows.

Ozwald looked over me, his green and purple spiral eyes staring me down like they did when he thought I wasn't looking. Only this time they did it as if he was mocking me. "Well darling, I certainly don't know what I was thinking when I thought I could over power such a manly man like yourself, oh me, oh my" he teased in what was suppose to be one of those 'gay' accents. He even posed mockingly by placing his hand on his hip and leaning against the wall with his elbow so that his head was resting on the palm of his hand. 

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