That Fate was Sealed Long Ago

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"Madam, we have arrived." The sailor said to her as they docked. It was around midnight, the moon was full and high, giving the land an almost halo of silver. The woman clad in black nodded at the man and jumped from the side of the boat. She climbed the nearest building to get a better vantage point. Hopping from building to building she witnessed a strange sight. A man, mostly drunk, was talking to a woman in an alleyway. His right arm was on the wall beside her head and his left arm was wrapped around her waist. The girl crouched near the edge of the roof to listen.

"Now pretty little lady. Are you gonna come with me?" The man slurred in his drunken state. The female whimpered slightly and the man growled like a predator at her. The girl in black could see the moonlight hitting the tears that were running down her face. The man shoved his hand up the girls dress top, she screamed out.

"Scream all you want girly. No one is going to help you." The man said to her as he started to push her against the wall. That was the limit for the girl in black. She silently hopped down from the building. Tapping in the shoulder of the man she waited.

"What are you-" he never finished his question. The girl kicked the man in the chest, pushing him away from the girl. She motioned for the woman to leave.

"Thank you, thank you so much." The girl nodded at the woman then the woman ran out of the alley. The black clad girl focused back onto the man in front of her.

"Why you little bitch." The man slurred at her. She tilted her head. She wondered what his hate felt like. He lunged at her, but in his drunken state it was an easy dodge. She hopped above him and flipped over his head, landing lightly. She pushed the man down from behind, and he stood back up quickly, wobbling a bit, he tried to throw a few punches, but his moves were sloppy and slow. The girl dogged and jumped back when he almost landed one. The mans eyes were filled with vengeance and hate. A 'swish' sounded through the night, and the moonlight caught a blade flowing through the air. Black wires wrapped their was around the mans body. The girl walked casually up to the man, the smell of alcohol was strong.

"You little whore. I just wanted to have some fun." He yelled at her. Once again, like a little confused puppy, she tilted her head. She wished to feel what he felt. She wanted to know what this 'fun' felt like.

"Say something bit-" but he never finished his sentence as she pulled the wire around his neck tight enough to snap it.

"You must regret your choice of final words." She muttered silently to the dead man. Climbing the vines of the building behind her, she hopped from roof to roof again, looking for her target. She made her way silently to the palace. Four lights were on. The King was in one room, he was entertaining some harem that would 'give him a good time', in the next room was a tan man with pastel white hair, he was sharpening a sword and some knives. In the room next to his was her target. He was a male, about 19, grayish blue hair, with a scar on his face. Hakuryuu Ren. She didn't bother to see who was in the fourth room.

"Perfect." She thought. Her target was writing something, his back to her.

"This will be easy for such good pay." She said silently. She pulled out an arrow and notched it into the bow she had hanging on her shoulder. She pulled back on the string, and took a deep breath in, then released the string, letting the arrow fly through the night sky. Right as it was about to reach the window, there was a 'clash' and a flash of something triangular and silver flaying through the night sky blocking her arrow. She looked to her left and no one was there, then she glanced to her right. With the moon behind him, his face was shadowed, but she could see his snow white skin, and white hair. It was him, the boy that had once made her feel, the boy that had once made her hurt, the boy that caused her to be the way she was. He shifted and she could see his snake-like eyes. One of his blades flew through the sky, their target, her. She jumped into the air and launched a blade of her own at him, the black wires connected to it hidden in the shadows of the night. One of the wires wrapped around his thigh and she pulled, pulling his foot out from under him in the process. He fell off the building and she pulled her wire back. She notched another arrow and aimed again. But when she looked into the window, her target was gone.

"Damn it." She thought to herself then she heard a light 'thud' sound from behind her. She turned to see the boy from before behind her. She rolled her eyes behind her mask. He lunged at her, and she ducked easily. A blood red wire wrapped its way around her torso and she was pulled to the boy. The boy held a triangular blade to her throat and whispered to her,

"Don't even think about moving." His voice had a dark tone to it, and she knew if she didn't play her cards right he would most likely kill her on the spot. She waited, then after ten seconds, she pulled out a dagger and cut the wires around her. Jumping away as quickly as she could, she readied her own blades. But before she could attack, someone else joined the party. It was the king, he had climbed up and was looking between they two of them.

"And who is this Ja'far?" The king asked. The girl could see the haram he was with was asleep in his chambers.

"I don't know. I was just about to ask." He replied to the king. The girl tilted her head. Then she backflip off of the building, leaving the two men in confusion. When they chased after her they found she was already gone. They both stood, confused.

"How did she escaped me so easily?" Ja'far thought to himself. The king went back to bed and Ja'far searched for the assassin. He searched the entire city, he looked through alleys and hidden coves and in the shadows. And yet he never did find her.

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