Maybe our fates involve each other after all

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The sun was setting on the horizon, the pinks, blues, and oranges clashed together like a mural. Our main character was in her room, she had been plucked and preened for about 30 minutes before the two girls were done.

"Perfect." The blue haired magician said while she clapped her hands. (Y/n) looked in the mirror. The outfit was very revealing. The stomach was completely exposed. The top was showing much of her chest. And the shortness of the dresses skirt was making her shiver from the wind flowing under it as she stood next to the window. Compared to her usual dress, which consisted of well fitted yet flowing pants with a a long drape (like what Ja'far wears), this was completely foreign to her. The girls had styled her hair into (h/s) with a flower crown that sat atop her head.

"Let's go! It's already started!" The young blond child cheered. (Y/n) nodded, then a strange thought crossed her mind quickly.

"What will Ja'far think?" But it was discarded as fast as it had appeared. After walking from the palace to the village, she noticed she didn't have her rope darts. She turned around, and before either of the girls could say anything she sprinted to the palace. She wrapped herself with the black wires, letting them show. Then she ran back to the still dumbfounded girls she had left behind.

"What was that about." Yamriha asked. (Y/n) motioned to the black wires that now covered her arms, torso, and legs like tattoos.

"I see, but why? Just let loose for once. Take the wires off and be free." Pisti commented as he tilted her head and examined the wires. (Y/n) shook her head. She couldn't afford to let loose. She had to stay on guard at all times. Since the prince was still alive she knew her ex-boss would have her hunted down. But the prince had left a day after she tried to assassinate him. Still, she knew that once the man found Hakuryuu Ren alive, a bounty would be put out for her head on a silver platter.

The two girls glanced at each other, then they shrugged it off and continued to walk, leaving (y/n) to follow and her thoughts swallowed her whole. They arrived at the festival, the bright colors clashed against the night sky. Colorful lanterns were everywhere, tall torches lit everything. Woman were on a stage dancing. There was a bar with a man, about 20, tending to it, as woman fawned over him. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. She had never seen the need to fawn over men,

"Of course I've never liked anyone." She thought to herself. And that was true. She had never felt anything towards anyone. Yamriha split, leaving (y/n) and Pisti to figure out what to do. Pisti opened her mouth as if to say something, then promptly closed it and walked away, leaving (y/n) to herself. She pushed her way through the crowd until she reached the far edge. She climbed up a few barrels and sat, legs crossed, just watching everyone.

"Now what's a pretty lady like you doing all the way over here. You should be having some 'fun' with me." A man, around 25 slurred as he wobbly made his way near her. She tilted her head at his actions. Right as she was about to kick him in the face, someone seemed to call his name.

"Heeeyyyyyy, Ramell, whas goin on?" His four times drunker friend managed to say as he stumbled and tripped his way over.

"Just great. Another drunken idiot to deal with." And with that thought. She hopped of the barrels and walked away from the two. The two men called out for her but didn't make a move towards her. She made her way to the other edge of the party and sat on a pillow. A man walked past and offered a drink to her. She shook her head no and he moved on. She sat, and observed, everyone was laughing or smiling. They all had the same look in their eyes. One that (y/n) yet still had to experience. They we all feeling bliss, just pure and peaceful bliss. As the drums beat out a rhythm she found herself humming a song. She had no clue why or how she knew it but she did. The rhythm changed and she stopped and went back to watching. Then she saw it. The flash of eyes in an alley. The were watching her, and she knew it. But right as she got up to go after them, someone pulled on her sleeve. She turned to see Sharrkan, he grinned at her and motioned his hand to the party going on around them.

"It's a party! Calm down and losen up! Come on. I have a bet I want to win." Then he dragged the girl over to the bar.

"What can I get'cha?" The male behind the bar asked.

"Shots. And lots of them." Sharrkan told. The bartender got to work. He filled ten shots, five for Sharrkan and five for (y/n).

"Drink." And with that Sharrkan downed the shots. Placing one after another upside down in the bar. The girl refused, shaking her head no.

"Do I have to command you? Or do you want me to call Sin over here and have him make you drink them." The girl crossed her arms and raised and eyebrow.

"You're so stubborn. SINBAD GET OVER HERE PLEASE!" He yelled. Sinbad looked up from the group of girls surrounding him and then stood. He swaggered his way through, people bowing, some cheering, other fawning over him or trying to high five him.

"So what's up?" He asked as he approached the two at the bar.

"She won't drink. She's almost as bad a Ja'far. But at least we can get him to drink eventually. She just won't give." Sharrkan pouted.

"(Y/n) are you going to make me pull rank? Just to drink." Keeping her arms crossed she gave one firm nod yes.

"Fine. I, King of this land, command you to drink." She stood still. Sinbad motioned to the drinks and she sighed, knowing they were forcing her to. She grabbed one, and downed it, then the next, and the next, and so on. This went on for a while. Shot after shot. Until they finally made her a bit tipsy. She still had enough sense to not say anything. After a few more shots, she was a bit more than tipsy. The boys ushered her over somewhere. She didn't know where and at this point, she didn't really care. She still knew not to talk, but really didn't care if she did at this point. They were gonna make her say something eventually. The boys stopped her, and she looked at where they were. They had walked over to where Sinbad had been originally before he was called over to get her drunk. They had stopped her a few feet from something that made her heart hurt. It felt like it was aching and being torn. In front of her was Ja'far, but what pained her was the five or so girls that were piled onto him. He laughed and smiled. He was wearing white pants like Sinbad with a green jacket and his keffiyeh was off, showing his messy pastel white hair. The girls laughed with him and smiled. The pushed their way onto him, almost fighting over him. Jealousy. That's what she was feeling. But she had no clue why.

"Aww I told you girls to wait for me. But it looks like Ja'far's got you now." Sinbad joked as he sat back down. Three of the girls Made their way over to him while two stayed with Ja'far. (Y/n) couldn't take the feeling anymore. She stormed her way through the crowd and made her way onto the beach. Behind her she heard a faint , "(y/n)?" as someone tried to chase after her. The feeling was gone, and she almost sighed. That hurt, and bad. And she still didn't know why.

"Just let your fate embrace you. Because in the end that's all you will have. At least that's what you used to say Jak. I'm starting to believe that now." She said aloud as she pushed her hands through the sand.

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