I'm Sorry Or Not

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Chapter 3 :

I'm Sorry Or Not


Naruto's POV :


I woke up early in the morning . I knew it because light was coming from the window on top of the sink . 

Yesterday Sasuke watched the watching dead , but i kept kicking and screaming out . Than he got pissed off and put a rope on my mouth to stop me from screaming .

But like .... 10 minutes after he did that , he fell asleep . But i kept kicking the bed and shouting into the rope  .

But eventually i stopped because of 3 reasons .

1. |  I was getting tired 

2. | He was asleep so what's the point ?

3. | My shoes fell off from the kicking .

In the night , my wrists were hurting badly , because the more i pulled , the deeper they went into my skin and my feet were cold . I didn't really get to sleep  because i kept biting the rope and eventually it came off . 

I sighed and looked up over my head . There was a red line around both of my wrists because of that stupid rope . I pulled again , even if i can't cut it , i still tried to get my hands to slip out of the tight circle around my wrists.

It obviously didn't work .

I looked back down grunting . Sasuke's head popped out a bit from the sofa . 

'' What does he want with me ? '' I thought . '' Well ... he doesn't want me dead , that's for sure . Because if he did , i'd be dead by now ''

I looked down at my feet and saw the rope that i took off earlier . I smiled as i thought of a plan .

I kicked the rope in the air , got one of my feet ( right ) and kicked it on my foot palm so that it hit Sasuke in the head hard . My wrists hurted a bit more after that .

He fell onto the ground with a ' Thump ' . 

I giggled quietly to myself as he stood up with an ' Ow '.

He looked around the room than at me with a frown on his face . I wanted to laugh so hard but ... you never know what Sasuke is thinking . So i put a straight line on my face .

He walked over to me fast that frown still on his face . 

He grabbed both of my wrists with one of his hand and pulled it down hard .

I screamed out in pain and my eyes closed tightly as my head pulled back on the pillow . I felt blood drip down from my left wrist . My knees pulled up a bit closer to my body . 

'' You shouldn't of really done that Naruto '' He said coldly . 

He pulled down again and i screamed out , the rope was tightly around my wrists and i felt it sqeeze more until it couldn't anymore .

I felt myself trembling and tears were in the corner of my eyes . 

But mostly i was ashamed of myself to let Sasuke look at me when iam this weak. 

He let go and stared at me . I couldn't see that , because my eyes were closed , but i felt his gaze looking into me . 

I didn't know what to do .


Sasuke's  POV :


I looked at Naruto's trembling body and bleeding wrists with wide eyes .

' What... did i just do ? ' I thought.

I let my anger take over me . 

'' Naruto .. ? '' I reached out to him but he only trembled more . 

I pulled back . Not knowing what to do . 

We were like for 5 minutes , his blood stopped pouring , and i could tell it was in danger of an infection . But he was still trembling .

I finally reached out to the rope and untied it . Naruto quickly turned to the side and pulled his hands to himself . He opened his eyes and looked at them. 

Than i saw him smile . 

I got confused . 

He quickly sat up and kicked me in the face really hard . I crashed into the wall , making the wood crack a bit but not a hole . I looked up at him , just to see him close the door . 

 ' Shit , i knew i shouldn't of have let him go ' I thought as i stood up . 

I ran out threw the door and followed Naruto's chakra . I could tell that he was struggling with his hands . Now i wasn't sure if i should of said sorry . 

His chakra got weaker and weaker , while i got closer and closer until i saw his blonde hair on the ground . 

 I smirked .

I jumped on him , pinned his hands over his head , expect iam not touching the part where it hurt. He looked at me with wide eyes , clearly he didn't sence me there .

Than his eyes were filled with anger . 

'' Let me go !! Why did you take me , huh !!?!! Take someone else for your torture game '' He shouted out .

I pressed harder on his wrists getting him to shut up . He looked at me and i looked at him .

I let go and sat up .

'' Don't Move '' I hissed . 

He took the message by gulping.

I did some hand signs fast so he couldn't see what they were . My right hand glowed blue around it ( like naruto in nine tail mode expect blue ) . 

His eyes widened at that .

'' Don't worry this won't hurt at all '' I said . 

I put my hand behind my back and grabbed his ankle on his left leg. It was easlier to do so because his shoes were off . I turned around just to see a black line going around it ( like a dog's collar going around it's neck expect on Naruto's foot , like a tattoo ) 

I looked back to check on him , but his eyes were slowly closing .

Well this jutsu does make you fall asleep. 

But it's no ordinary jutsu . 

It's a jutsu were he HAS to do everything i tell him to .


* Swipes Forehead *

Well finally this chaper is done 

Uploading soon :)


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