Hide And Seek

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Chapter 5 :

Hide And Seek 


Sasuke's POV :


I walked towards the river water and Naruto followed behind me closely. In the corner of my eye , i saw Naruto looking around his surroundings , probably looking for a way out .

" If you're thinking of running ,then you shouldn't " I said .

He turned his head back around quickly after hearing that.

" I-i wasn't thinking of running ! " He shouted .

'' Yeah . Right ''  I said trying to hold back a smirk.

I stopped at my favourite place and looked down at the water.

At least it was fresh.

I turned around and saw Naruto gazing at surroundings again . I got annoyed because he's looking around not at ME.

I clicked my fingers and got his attention back .

'' What now ? '' He asked clearly pissed .

'' Hn nothing '' I muttered .

I turned around and walked to the bathroom sized cabin . It's a changing room . The spare clothes were ready on the dark brown shelves . 

I was half way there but noticed that Naruto stayed there looking around expect he had his arms behind his head.

'' Follow Me '' I said turning back around and walking towards the cabin.

I immediately heard foot steps and curses behind me. I smiled to myself.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

We both entered the small cabin which at the left side had a whole line of shelves which was full with towels and some clothes.

I started stripping down to my underwear while Naruto again stared off in space . Not looking at me , but at the little window in the cabin .  

A vein popped up at my forehead.

'' Strip down now '' I said putting on my towel.

He grunted and started stripped down . I turned around to look at him while he did that . I got hard easyly . 

I was about to pinn him down but it was too late because he put on his towel . 

'' W-what you looking at , let's go '' Naruto said and he started walking towards the door .

'' Hn '' I answered following him .

But there's something different about him .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

We both entered the river , which , to be honest , wasn't that big . It was just like a hot spring , the water already warm . Expect it was 4 times bigger .

I leaned back against the stones ,while Naruto put his both his between his thighs and stayed still .

It looked like he was nervous . 

'' Hey , are you nervous ? '' I smiled .

He looked up at me .

'' Nothing ... '' He answered and looked back down.

I pushed my eyebrows together .

' Some thing is not right here ' I thought.

I quickly grabbed my kunai knife and threw at Naruto really fast .

Naruto didn't see it coming and the knife landed in Naruto's chest . 

His eyes widened as did mine . 

I held my breath , thinking that i just killed him .

But in a few second a puff of smoke appereared and Naruto vanished .

I stood up in anger and rage , my knuckles brang themselves together . 

It was a fricking shadow clone jutsu '  I yelled in my head.

I quickly put on my new clothes which where beside me and which included a black top and grey shorts .

I jumped and the trees and searched for Naruto's chakra .

I smirked.

'' Found it '' I thought out loud 


Sorry ! I made short . 

Well i have to do the

World war 2 project for school .

I had weeks but i didn't do it til now :((

Well uploading soon :))


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