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Chapter 8 :



Sasuke's POV :


Ok , i admit this .

Instead of watching the Tv , i kept taking glances at Naruto. 

I sat on the right side of the sofa , my feet on the sofa and my elbow sitting on the side of the sofa while holding the cup of tea . 

Naruto otherwise , had his feet on the sofa too and his elbow touched the side of the sofa while holding his cheek on his hand , looking amused expect his tea sat on the table untouched.

Well , we were watching ' Sword Art Online' , another anime series , with is quite good . It's quite sad at the start than the romance happens . I kept imagning that the girl was Naruto and the boy was me .

'' What are you staring at ? '' Naruto asked .

I shaked my head and blushed slightly . Slightly .

I didn't realize i was staring til he said it . I turned back to the Tv , grumping a little .

I heard give a little ' te ' and when i looked back , i saw him blush , not too much though . 

I smirked .

'' Naruto '' I said .

He turned around and stared at me . A little surprised and annoyed face showed up than turned back.

'' Stay Still '' I ordered .

'' What now ? '' He moaned irritated .

I gave him my famous ' Hn ' and crawled towards him .

'' W-what are yo-ou doing '' He asked . 

But i didn't answer,

I stopped crawling when both of his legs were between mine . I could see that he wanted to move his head to turn around . 

I wiped the small bang at the side of his head and put it behind his ear. He squarmed a bit . 

I looked at half his hair and his face , because i faced him sideways.

'' Owe ? Can you tell me that iam allowed at move ? '' He asked .

I smiled and bit his ear a little bit too hard .

'' OW ! What the hell was that for !?! ''  He shouted .

'' Well clearly for ordering me what to do '' I said as i pulled back away .

'' W-wha .. what ? I didn't .. order you '' He said back .

'' Hn whatever . Put if i say the words , you won't fight or anything ? '' I asked.

''N-no '' He answered . 

I wasn't sure but still went with it . 

'' You're allowed to move '' I said . 

But with in a mere second he had me pinned down , expect he had to use both of hands. I stared wide eyed at him . He looked at me with hesitation but than he leaned down fast and bit down on my left ear hard . 

I whisperly gasped but he heard it and his face went red . I felt myself getting a hard on .

He leaned back and stared at me for a few seconds before getting off , of me and sitting back in his corner .

I sat up .

'' Y-you said you wouldn't anything !! '' I said .

'' Well it's pay-back '' He muttered .

I went pale . That's my way of blushing hard.

I quickly grapped his wrists and pinned them both over his head . He stared wide eyed for a few seconds than he smiled. 

He quickly kicked me in the stomach and i fell onto the ground . I heard him get up from the sofa and run to me .

I smirked , jumped up and disappeared . 

He stopped running , stopped in one place and started looking around . 

I appeared quickly behind him and snaked my hands around his waist . He squeaked in surprise as i pinned him down on the floor hard with one hand and trapped his legs inside mine .

'' I win dope '' I smirked .

'' W-who said that it was a cometition ? '' He shouted . 

'' But you acted like it was '' I commented .

He hissed in slight pain as i press harder on his wristson were it hurt the last time . 

'' Sorry .. '' I muttered . 

Right now i was in a situation were i did't know what to do . 

We just stared at each other .


We both jumped up and crashed our foreheads into eachother . 

'' Ow '' I said as i rubbed my forehead.

'' Ow '' He said as he too rubbed his forehead . 

We both looked across the sofa and looked at the bed were an alarmclock kept ringing .

'' I-I'll get it '' I said .

I stood up and was about to walk away when i slipped on Naruto's silk shirt . 

I fell face flat down beside Naruto's head , rubbing my hard erection against his.

'' . ..Ahh!! ''

Naruto moaned loudly at the contact of my ' thingy ' against his ' thingy ' .

I moaned loud too but not as loud a Naruto did , i heard him and got harder .... if possible .

I sat up slowly and looked at his face and saw his cheeks blushed and eyes closed .

Well guess what ?

It's a face of instant pleasure.

I smirked even though i wasn't supposed too .

He opened his eyes fast and his face was priceless .

'' W-what the hell !!? '' He shouted , his face a complete tomatoe .

'' Hn nothing '' My smirk grew wider.

'' Y-you fell on m-me !! '' He shouted again .

'' And you enjoyed it ! '' I said as i got off him .

'' N-no i didn't '' I heard him mutter .

I smiled .


* Eats food *

Wow even though i wrote it i kind of enjoyed it :L

Well anyway 

I'll upload soon :)


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