Chapter 12

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It's been three weeks since Brittany and Niall have talked, and she remembers asking Tiffany and Harry what she should do.

Brittany sighs looking at Harry then to Tiffany, "do you think I should talk to Niall?"  

Tiffany sighs, "hearing what Harry has told me about his past girlfriends; you're the only one he has tried to fix it with. Besides, I believe it was an honest drunk mistake."

Then Tiffany looks at Harry for reassurance.

Harry smiles, "I agree I think he does love you or he wouldn't try to get you back."

Brittany smiles, thinking about Niall, "I think I will go talk to him today."

Tiffany and Harry smile at each other because they know that Brittany and Niall belong together.

Brittany leaves the dorm and heads toward Niall's house. When she gets there, she knocks on the door, thinking to herself that this might be a mistake. What if he has moved on?

Niall opens the door and is completely shocked. He didn't think that she would ever come back to him. He is so happy that she is standing in front of him that he picks her up and spins her around then sets her back on the ground. He lets her come in, and they go to the kitchen to sit at the island.

Niall asks, "do you want anything to drink or eat?" 

Brittany smiles, thinking Niall is so generous and caring, "no, I'm fine for now. I came here to talk to you."

"Alright well I'm here to listen," Niall says grabbing Brittany's hand.

Brittany smiles, squeezing Niall's hand, "well, I still love you. I know you know I'm pregnant and I don't want anything from you except for you to be a part of the baby's life. I want to be with you, Niall. You made a promise to me, and I can't let you break it because I am hung up on a drunken mistake. Please say you will reconsider our relationship!"

"Princess, I will give you everything you need for the baby because I love it already because it is half you. You are the light of my life. I did promise, and I never was going to break it. I don't have to reconsider our relationship babe; I still love you as much as the first day I met you. I love you with all my heart, baby girl. I'm so glad you are here,"  Niall says then kisses Brittany on the forehead.

Brittany smiles thinking of all the memories that she and Niall have together.

Niall notices, "Britt, what are you smiling for?"

"I'm thinking of all the memories we have together and all the memories we are going to make. We are going to be parents and have our own little family. Oh, I go tomorrow for a check up. Do you want to come," Brittany asks looking down at her lap?

Niall smiles, "I would love to come baby girl. I know I can't believe we are going to be a family."

Brittany nods, "I will be five weeks tomorrow."

"Time sure does fly. I'm glad I have you back princess," Niall says kissing her lips.

Brittany kisses Niall back, "it sure does. Is it ok if I stay here tonight?"

"You can stay here anytime you want. You can move in if you want. We can turn the guest room into a nursery for the baby," Niall says smiling.

Brittany looking shocked says, "you want me to move in?"

"I would love you to babe," Niall says smiling.

Brittany smiles, "let me think about it before I answer you."

"That's fine with me," Niall says.

Brittany texts Tiffany.

Brittany: Niall and I are back together. I am staying with him tonight because I am too tired to walk back to the dorm. He also asked me to move in with him, but I told him that I would have to think about it.

Tiffany: If you are comfortable with it then do it.

Brittany: Alright. Thank you for being so supportive through everything. You mean so much to me Tiff.

Tiffany: You're welcome. I just want you to that at the end of the day it your decision.

Brittany: And it will be! Well, I'm going to go so you and Harry can have a fun day! I love you.

Tiffany: Bye Britt. I love you too.

Harry had a big surprise to tell Tiffany regarding the vinyl store. He bought it, and it will be theirs. He knows that so many memories were made there already and there are much more to come.

While they were waiting for their food Harry says' "I was wondering what you would think if I bought the vinyl store and ran it."

Tiffany looks at him confused, "why do you ask?"

Harry smiles, "well the manager couldn't run the store anymore because he was getting too old and says it was going bankrupt so I decided to buy it with the money I save."

Tiffany excitedly says, "you bought the vinyl store!"

Harry smiles, "yes baby it's all ours. There are so many memories we had made at that store, and I couldn't lose them. It would make me happy to make new memories there."

When Harry says that Tiffany starts crying, "Harry that was the sweetest thing ever. What are you going to name it?"

Harry smiles, "well I want to call it Tiffany's Vinyl store after you because you're my inspiration and you deserve it."

Tiffany was crying nobody, but her parents and Brittany ever cared for her this much. She squeezes Harry's hand letting him know how much it meant to her as they weren't big fan of personal displays of affection.

Then Harry spoke up, "I want to know if you like to work there with me?"

Tiffany nods her head saying, "Yes absolutely."

When the food got there, they ate quickly and went to get the vinyl store in Harry's name.

When they arrive, it still says Barry's vinyl. Harry had already, that morning got a new sign made. Tiffany who was still in shocked stood there with no facial information. This was a new chapter in her life with a man she keeps falling more in more in love with.

Then Harry noticed that Tiffany was zoned out and shook her lightly, "Tiffany are you alright?"

Tiffany who zoned back in says, "yes, I was just thinking about stuff."

Harry smiles, "What were you think about?"

Tiffany giggles, "Us and how much has happened."

Harry smiled down at her and kissed her then used a new nickname. "My little peanut." Harry has always loved their height difference, she was 4'11, says" and he was 5'11" 10 inches apart. When people say that short girls and tall guys make cute couples their right.

Tiffany smiled kissing him back said, "Aww I like the new nickname."

Harry smiles, "So what do you want to do with this place, peanut?"

Tiffany shrugs, "I don't know yet but it will look so beautiful."

The rest of the day Harry and Tiffany would work on homework together their favorite thing, even if they weren't working together. Many great things were to come for little peanut and her man.

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