and so i face

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okay, this is like the final 'tense' chapter as such (you'll realise soon why), but it's going to go quick, so be sure to follow everything!!


"Scott, she's going to kill us all," Lydia shouted over his wails.

"That is the first sensible thing I think you've said all day," Desconocido praised.

"I'm gonna kill you, you little bitch--" Dean threatened. As anyone could imagine, typically, you turn pain into power and anger, and that's exactly what Dean does. He also had the optimism of Sam coming back (as he's done a thousand times previously) pumping him with adrenaline.

"Dean! Don't be so rude to your host," the feminine Devil said. "Go on Lydia, tell them who I am related to."

"If you're going to kill us, at least have the fucking audacity to tell us who you are." Although Brett was absolutely broken at the site of Stiles' lifeless body, Scott was in no condition to be fighting the Demon, so Brett was trying to fill his shoes. But it was a useless effort - Desconocido ignored

"Lydia, tell them! Unless you want me to give them the syringes too!?"

"No, don't! Please!" Lydia begged with whatever strength she had left. "The--the," she simplified.

"Lydia, what's she talking about?" Brett asked fearfully.

"Lydia...!" she shouted again.

"The Nogitsune is her brother, and Azazel's her father!" Lydia screamed back.

"Who's the Nogitsune?" Castiel asked.

"The Demon that possessed Stiles," Scott murmured through his weeps, "who's Azazel?"

"The bastard that killed my mom," Dean said with the disgust as if he tasted a year old pie.

"Yes, and as all of you have taken one thing or another from me, I thought I'd do the same in return," she smirked, "oh, only before I take the rest of you too."

She launched towards Brett, snatching another of her deadly syringes on her way of death, and hauled him the the air by his neck. Crashing him back against the wall, she strained his head to the side - ready to ram the needle in.

Brett struggled, but was no match for a woman of her power. He sewed his eyes shut, bracing for impact, as his inevitable death had arrived decades early.

She gradually punctured Brett's skin. It was done so menacingly, the pain grew at an exponential rate. Air suddenly rushed into Brett's lungs at he grasped onto the last he had left of it.

For some reason, the pain then left. He slid down the wall again as he was still in his immense state of shock.

When everyone's eyes had adjusted to the scene around them, they'd realised someone had gripped Desconocido tight and propelled her across the room - striking against the wall and crumbling to the floor, along with several pieces of rumble.

Their saviour kept his eyes on her till he was certain she'd stay out for a while, then turned to his friends and new acquaintances, with his bright, crooked smile.

"Liam!" Scott shouted with spirit. The Beta sprawled over and began untangling his Alpha's reins. "What--how are you here?"

"The DNA evidence went missing, or they realised it was falsified, I don't really know, but they had to release me." His words were shoved out his mouth as his hands shook on the chains, until they slipped away and Scott was free once again. Scott then moved onto Brett and Liam was obligated to be Dean's rescue, for now.

As the foursome dusted themselves off and raced to help those left, Dean was caught by a hand with pitch black claws. His should was hailed round where he met a punch to the face. The force pushed him onto his flat body again, but one of his knives cluttered onto the floor.

Both Scott and Desconocido flung for the weapon, to get the advantage they needed to survive. Scott touched the hilt and extended his fingers to grasp it tight, but it was ripped away at the last second.

But luckily, it was Dean that ended up with it.

He swiftly dropped it into his leading hand and wedged it into Desconocido's side. She had no time to scream, or feel anything, as the blazing light flashed out her mouth and eyes that were gaping open.

"Ruby's knife, you bitch," he said with pride.

Her body hit the ground with a thud and quickly lay still on floor as her spirit was drained back to Hell. But, unlike seen before, her body disintegrated into burnt flakes and evaporated into the ground.

Liam and Brett had bailed Lydia and Castiel from their deaths while the other two had taken care of Desconocido, and for good. They stood in a circular format and gazed gently at one another.

But there was no time to cheer or celebrate their victory. Sam and Stiles were still dead.

"Parrish," Scott spoke softly into his device, "clear the hospital basement for us."



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