Chapter 10

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Ten - That One Midnight


He stirred.

And stirred.

And kept on stirring.

No matter how much he tried, sleep never visited him. It was already past midnight and he was still wide awake. This has been happening for the past few days already. Suho was aware of how it can affect his health, but he can't help it. His mind was in chaos.

Maeji's words this morning at the den kept ringing in his head. They were all gathered in the Hellion’s den when suddenly, a commotion occurred when a berserked Haru confronted D.O. Apparently, it was about a girl named Yoo Inha, whom Suho remembered as D.O’s plus one at Minho’s party. And it seemed that it wasn't just them who didn't have a good time that night.

If they have Maeji wanting to befriend Yojeung, Haru also has Inha. But their situations were actually the opposite. Haru and Inha got along well while Maeji was having a hard time making Yojeung join them. Nonetheless, at this very moment, their situation has become the same. Their friends are ignoring them.

Suho can't help but think of how it would have been like if he was in D.O’s shoes at that time. Their situations may not be completely the same--as D.O already found his anima but Suho has not--but they have the same dilemma of the heart. Hence, Maeji’s words rang in his head again.


"A person's feelings is not an exact science, Haru. I've read hundreds of anima histories, and none of them have the same patterns. Some found it easy to be in a relationship after finding their animas, some did not."

Maeji had said, in which Chen knitted his eyebrows in question.

"So you're saying it's okay if D.O has a relationship with another girl even if he found his anima?"

"I'm saying that D.O shouldn't deny his own feelings. Besides, not because Seolhyun is his anima doesn't mean he has to blindly fall for her. That's not how it works. One thing I know from everything that's ever happened to us is that, we should always believe in what our hearts says. Our inspirits talk to us through our hearts; they will never misguide us."

[A/N: Gaia's Aegis (Chapter Fourteen) by kay_yla]


He understood D.O's situation without judgment. It wasn't his fault that his feelings were wavering towards another woman since everyone knew what kind of woman his anima was; someone that was actually quite questionable.

How could his inspirit give him such kind of woman as his anima? D.O never deserved it. He was such a very nice person. Despite his few yet blunt words and scary glares--though most of those weren't really meant to be as glares--he was warmhearted and one of the nicest persons Suho knew.
They can't be really sure that they won't fall in love with another girl when they haven’t met their animas yet. Like what Maeji told them, a person's feelings aren’t really an exact science. A lot of possibilities are there so nothing is impossible.

Suho opened his eyes and stared up at his ceiling. Yes, he has a crush on Yojeung, but he was unsure and was holding back. But after what happened this morning, he became determined. He will set the line clear, but he will not hold himself back from caring about her anymore. He’ll care for her as a friend, if that’s what will calm his confused emotions.

Even if maintaining a friendship with her seems impossible, he’ll just go ahead and risk it. It’s just a friendship after all. Well, it’s not like he’s already at the point of wanting to be more than friends.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now