Chapter 34

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[A/n: I hereby announce that this chapter is 'onion-cutters' free. So I think tissues are not needed. XD

Anyway, let's proceed...]

Thirty Four - One burden down


"You are so like your brother, you know?"

Minyoung said, caressing Yojeung's hair affectionately. They were currently in Yojeung's bedroom after discussing about her past. They decided to give her some rest since she had been crying non stop the entire time it was happening. Yojeung wrapped her arms around her mother, burying her face into her chest as they sat down her bed.

"You don't just move on easily at circumstances like this. You blame yourselves even if it wasn't your fault. You punish yourself for that and let your guilt eat you up." Minyoung continued.

"Why? What happened to him?" Yojeung asked.

"It was when we lost you at Donghae district. He was so stubborn. He never listened to us and keep blaming himself for being irresponsible." Minyoung smiled, remembering her son.

"Oh. That case." Yojeung mumbled. "I realized too."

"I'm sorry that you had to inherit that trait from me."

They both chuckled at Minyoung's response.


Minyoung hummed, still caressing her daughter's hair.

"I am your daughter, but... why am I so human? I mean, you both are ability wielders. Oppa is one too. If it wasn't for Suho being my anima, I wouldn't have an ability too. Why?" She wondered, it has been a while since she thought of this.

"Because in every ability wielder's family, only one out of how many children you have will inherit your ability. It has always been like that. It just happened that it was Xiumin who inherited it than you." Minyoung explained.


"I'll just go and check your friends outside. Would you like to go back now?" Minyoung asked, inviting her out of her room.

Yojeung shook her head no.

She let out a loud sigh, creating a fog.

She finally let it out. She finally told them her past. She finally let them know the truth.

Yojeung closed her eyes to savour the feeling of the wind touching her face. Today, she felt relaxed and calm. It was as if all this time, she had been carrying the whole world on her back and have finally dropped it down the ground. A heavy burden in her heart was somehow gone.

Together with her family and the Hellions, also with the Lee couple who helped narrate the past, it had been a very dramatic moment. A scene full of tears. If they were in a drama, she was sure they already received the highest awards.

She was on the main balcony that time when Gwen spotted her. She smiled a little and decided to come near Yojeung. She took one of her earphones and offered it to Yojeung. "Try to listen to this while you do that. You'll enjoy it even more."

Though puzzled, Yojeung still accepted the offer and placed one of the earphones on her ear. It was a music of a beautifully played violin that she can say was played with heart and full of emotions.

"It sounds nice." She complimented.

"Isn't it?" Gwen giggled. "It’s a piece of my favorite violinist. She’s Korean but she’s also famous internationally. Her name is Yoon HyeIn."

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