Chapter 36

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Thirty Six - Schooling starts again


Yojeung sighed as she entered her room.

After the vision issue was cleared and everything was settled, they all went back to their respected houses. She threw herself on her bed and stared blankly at the ceiling for who knows how long.

She suddenly remembered the flashdrive she received from Sam. She took it out of her bag and stared at it next. She knew she wanted to hear whatever was stored in there. Sam wouldn't have given it to her if he knew it will be worth nothing. However, she knew to herself that she wasn't ready for that yet. Yojeung promised to make sure to listen to it. Although it wouldn't be today, she will make sure she'll hear it before the anniversary.


Schooling once again started.

The first day of their second semester has begun. Xiumin was so excited that it will also be the first day that he will go to school together with Yojeung. Not just as a schoolmate but as his sister. He would finally know how it feels to have a sibling go to school together with him.

Back then, he just tried to know it by imagining she was with him. But now, he can actually have it happen for real.

"Yojeung, can you please turn on the car? I forgot a few folders for the student council. I'll just get it then we'll go." Xiumin asked and passed her the keys before running upstairs.

Yojeung was statued. She can't do that. Or at least she's scared of doing so. After the incident, she never held a car's handle ever again. It was also one of her promises to Gab that she'll never in her life drive a car again. She doesn't want to be a cause of another accident.

When she told them that she can't drive, she also explained her reason why. She was driving the car when they got in an accident. She was scared that if she got distracted again, she might end up causing another accident, which is something she will never be able to accept. It was the reason why she lost Gab. She didn't want to lose another part of her life.

She took a few deep breaths and opened the door to the driver's seat. But she still can't do it. She was scared she might mess things up so she just decided to wait for Xiumin instead.

When Xiumin came back running, he was halted to see that Yojeung was still standing from where she was before, gripping the key tightly, and glaring at the driver's seat. That's when he remembered that Yojeung doesn't actually drive.

"I'm sorry. I just remembered. Here, give me the key." he said and took back the key.

It has been a week when she told them that she can't drive and the reason why. He can see just how much the past had affected her. More than Xiumin was affected when he lost her. He felt bad that it had to happen to Yojeung.

He shook his head and started the car then took off. He doesn't want to think negatively again. Yojeung, although terribly broken, helped Xiumin heal himself and move on from the fact that he blames himself about losing her. So he was also determined to help her get over the past and move on. He will always be by her side like how a brother should be to make it up from all those years that they were not together.

When they reached the school, they parted their ways to go to their classrooms. Yojeung took a seat somewhere in the corner where there were a few people seated. She realized, she was still the same Yojeung except when she was around the Hellions. She was still a loner.

She also noticed that a few of her classmates had started to keep glancing at her, whispering to each other.

"Why are they even gossiping so openly?" she muttered to herself. "Since when did they even start giving me attention?"

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now