Chapter 28

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[A/N: So...

Someone may or may not have threatened me to update today saying how scary she was in red lipstick at night. 😂😂😂

(Lol I was just kidding with the threatening thing. *but she really said that tho~ 😂)

Anyway, it's been awhile. I'm sorry for the wait. Hope you guys like this. Enjoy~]

Twenty Eight - Panic Attack


A relaxing morning with the touch of the cold morning breeze is a nice way to start your day.

It was still so early in the morning yet Yojeung found herself fully awake already. She went to her room's balcony to take a sniff of the fresh nature the early sunrise had to offer. The sky was still a little dark and the sun was just about to take a peek of the Earth it left yesterday. The stars were now fading one by one and the surrounding was unbelievably quiet.

Still in her cream colored nightgown-something that Minyoung gave her when she moved in- she sipped on her hot chocolate while reading a book that Lay gave him.

The book was entitled 'The Sea-Wolf'. It was about a man who met a collision in the ocean and was the only survivor of their ship for he was rescued by another powerful and amoral captain. Lay recommended her to read some stories that includes anything about the water. She couldn't understand how and why it will help with her phobia but since he was so persuasive about, she decided to just do as he says.

For the next few days after their first training, Lay started to keep visiting the siblings so often that there was never a day he didn't visit their house. Yojeung was actually starting to think there was a deeper reason for that.

He also started to talk to Yojeung more than he did back then. It was as if he was testing her or digging deeper into her which was something that started to get into her nerves. Unfortunately, he looked too adorable for her to even get annoyed with so she just let him be. Although once she's had enough, she'd be ready to growl any moment.

She knew Lay was trying to get closer to her. Hence, she didn't think it will happen sooner. Though he was doing it innocently, Lay kept talking about anything that piss her off. In their conversations, he always includes the sea or the oceans or anything even if it isn't their first topic at all. He keeps lecturing her even about sea animals she isn't interested in, causing her to shut him ever so often.

"Aish..." she mumbled. Even if she was getting pissed, it was still a fact that Lay was one step closer to her than before. That made her sigh.

Her thoughts went to when she woke up a while ago. Last night was something. She didn't have a nightmare but instead, she had a calming dream. It has always been happening to her when she sleeps ever since that certain day she just got used to it. However, yesterday night, her dream didn't cause her to wake up in panic or full of sweat. It made her wake up with a calm state and a relaxed breathing pattern.

She stopped reading the book and set it aside. Thinking about her dream made her realize a lot of things so early in the morning. The dream was about a peaceful gathering together with the Hellions and the girls. They were laughing. Even Yojeung was. Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol, being the mood makers made crazy things that they could laugh at.

And Suho was there behind her. Their hands were entwined while he was backhugging her.

She realized that somehow, her personality has changed already. She can't deny that. She broke her promise; a promise she gave to that one important guy in her life. The guy she cares the most. The guy she trust the most. And most of all, it was him.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now