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Chapter 3 :

This can't be Amanda. I stare thoroughly. Is this really my Amanda?

It can't be.

But as I look closer to her makeup covered face, I can see those green eyes. The green eyes that always seemed bigger under her glasses- that no longer exist, by the way. She must've bought contact lenses.

She was towering over a girl, after mercilessly pushing her savagely to the ground as if the halls turned into a football field in Amanda world.

" Speak to me that way again, and it'll be worse. Believe me. Now shoo. I don't want to see your ugly face again" Amanda says, her voice shockingly squeaky and, well, annoying.

This can't be happening.

And then she strikes a pose. The girl she pushed seems to be suffering from the fall, and has not yet recovered at all. She's just laying still on the floor. And then I recognise her. It's Anna, the girl who helped me with physics last year.

Without thinking, I run towards Anna, and drop to the floor. She was pale, her eyes were wide open, and tears were falling like the niagara falls.

" Oh my god are you okay? " I ask , shaking her hastily, running on full panic mode.

She slowly pushes her right arm towards me, and my vision was suddenly clouded with red.

Her arm was practically painted in red. My heart skips a beat and my entire body goes numb.

Did sweet, nice, generous and forgiving Amanda do this?

" What the hell are you doi- " Amanda stops abruptly, once she sees my face. She goes pale, too. And for a second, just a second, I could see that old spark in her green eyes, and I could see that girl who used to hide behind her glasses and was nice to everyone.

For just a second.

" J-Julie? " she stutters, parting her lips as if I was a mythical creature. She wasn't that stupid last year.

But I just ignored her. Some part of me still wants to believe that she's my old best friend, the one that was like a sister to me. But there's this other part, the logical one, that knows she's some kind of monster now.

" Julie? " she repeats, firmly.

" Did you get rid of her Am? " an even squeakier voice asks. I look up to see my worst nightmare. Rebecca.

Pink purse, pink lacy top, pink mini skirt, and high heels. Endless jewellery that must cost as much as my entire belongings do. Blonde hair that reaches her back, fake lashes, one hundred shades of eyeliner, and a smirk. She's the ultimate nightmare.

Last year, Amanda and I used to consider her as our biggest enemy, and the feeling was mutual . We used to talk about how she's so full of herself on sleepovers. Car rides. School. Everywhere. We used to despise her, and she used to despise us. But did I just hear Rebecca say "Am" ..

" Amanda? Are you okay? You look ugly. What happened to the colour of your face? " she says, her voice provoking me to get up and slap her vocal chords.

" I'm fine " Amanda says, giving me a final glance after she flips her hair, turns around and walks away with Rebecca.

" Come on, let's get you up " I say, as I try to help Anna get on her feet. I turn around to ask Alexa for help, but the entire hall is empty. Talk about a fast runner. I try and try and try to get her up in any kind of way, but she isn't contributing. Anna is just lying on the floor, as if it was her bed.

" Here, I'll help " someone says, scaring the life out of me. I turn around, and sigh. ' Trent ' .

But I can't say no to an offer that can really save me some time. He grabs Anna by the waist and lifts her up until she's on her feet.

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